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Don Speaks


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Came across this news stroy on the BBC pages -



Don Speaks


So maybe he comments are taken out of context or maybe I'm misinterpreting them, but this strikes me as a bit rich. This inquiry was brought about because of the public concern about the level of MEA debt and the knock on effect on our electricity bills. It is almost as if he's saying "if only we didn't have to justify ourselves we'd be able to get on with the business of governing." It feels as if he is blaming the public for not lettting him get on with governing.


Yet if they had got on with governing in the past maybe this investigation would have been unnecessary. The central issue appears to be that there wasn't enough control and scrutiny going on of the actions of the MEA and the new power station project from the Government.

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Who eat all the pies


Who eat all the pies


you fat b*stard you eat all the pies.



The manx government has to many ego's for my liking, this man speaks down to the people who put him where he is.


I think he needs to realise the isle of man has bigger problems at home to sort out without playng the "isle of man is a world player in the global market" card.


Donald the man on the street does not care about that he cares about how much he is paying for his gas, electricity etc etc.


Sure the finance industry needs to know about your global holidays but we don't


Do the job you are getting very well paid for and stop using the media for your pathetic propagander

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It's all rather irritating.


If it wasn't for this MEA thing and I suppose IRIS and kids in care not getting properly looked after and stuff like that then we could all be courting the International finance scene. Jetsetting and that, getting wined and dined and saying things to an audience who listen because you're an important person.


I mean to say, we got over the Hospital thing alright didn't we? And all the plebs have forgotten about Mount Murray (phewwww!). So give 'em a sweetener, drop the price of beer or something. They'll soon forget about the MEA.


At the end of the day we are our own government and "we can do whatever we want :):):):) "

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I want to see some off these ministers taking some blame for the cock ups.


They don't mind sticking their chest out and boasting about all the things they have done, but when the sh*t hits the fan they just pass the buck.


If the goverment was a private company they would all be on the dole now or in jail.


I hope some people realise when voting time comes how to change things, lets just all vote with our heads this time and end the farce.


These people would give paul daniels a run for his money when it comes to trick's and illusions

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I think the Don only took up the reins again because he was miffed that his one term of office as Chief Minister didn't bring him the knighthood that Sir Miles got for his two.

I don't he realised what a mess had been made during the interregnum and just how much 'cleaning up' was left for him to do. That's probably why the more likely long-term candidates for the post hung back and applauded his return.

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Quote The BBC on what The Don said.

"The island now is an international player in a huge world market and we are not just dealing with local things, but we have to accept that these have to be addressed."


Declan wrote


It is almost as if he's saying "if only we didn't have to justify ourselves we'd be able to get on with the business of governing." It feels as if he is blaming the public for not lettting him get on with governing.


I don't think you've misinterpreted it at all Declan. My opinion is he's miffed because he has to deal with local issues and he'd rather himself and his Government dealing as international players in a huge world market.

Doing what I don't know, maybe they just like the jollies to different countries they can then try and justify the jollies abroad as work.

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How about making Don the islands alan wicker we could send him on holidays opps sorry fact finding missions to far of places and in return he can tell us how the isle of man is a "WORLD PLAYER IN THE GLOBAL MARKET".


Donald don't you realise the manx people of whom pay your wages don't care about the world market they care about the local cock up's.


Donald is acting like blair did just before the UK election running around the world so he can dodge the local issues.


Let's face it donald is only keeping the seat warm for the next stooge.


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