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Bad News For All Satanists


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I think these guys might be dissapointed as well:


Wedding couples rush for 666 date


Officials notice 'sinister' surge in June 6 bookings to tie knot


While June is traditionally a popular month for marriage ceremonies worldwide, officials in the Netherlands are noticing an unusual number of couples setting their wedding date for June 6, 2006, giving them an anniversary of 666, a number often associated with an end-time beast power of the Bible.


Should have married today then, shouldn't they? Off to get the first T-Shirts with the new number printed now - can I register a copyright on that?


616 - the real number of the beast :devil:

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So is someone going to make this official or will it just be dismissed?

No idea tbh - I guess unless some big news station catches on to it, it will just be one of these pieces of information floating through cyberspace - believed by some, dismissed by others...


I do know that I'm not jealous of the guy with DMN 666 as number plate anymore, though... :)

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666 isn't really satanic - its kabbalistic.



Some have taken 666 to refer to the roman empire - if you take the first 6 roman numerals DCLXVI;


D = 500

C = 100

L = 50

X = 10

V = 5

I = 1


and add them together you get 666.



More likely though 666 refers to a name, calculated via a process called gematria, based on hebrew.



Doing this 666 equals;



"the name of jesus"

"the spirit of the sun"

"your god"

"aleister e crowley"

"the law"




however 616 equals;


"the ancient of days"





In others words is the beast Aleister Crowley or Jethro? :D

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