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Battlefield2-modern Combat

the mo beats experience

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Awesome game, anyone else playing it?

From the genius of "hot-swapping" in the single player game, where you swap at will between your troops on the ground, using whatever vehicles you can find to get where you need, to the beautifully designed playing area maps, great stuff.

But online, bloody hell, its immense, battling against 23 other players is the shit. Jump in a helicopter with a mate, fly around blasting other 'copters out of the sky, raining merry hell upon enemy ground troops, then jumping out unseen over a tall building, parachuting to its roof, pulling out your sniper rifle, and picking them off at will, before seeing someone getting wise, so you jump off the building and parachute down before they laser-target you with an air strike.

I know its been out for ages on PC, updated etc, but this really is the shizzle.


Anyone else playing it, online?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm currently playing it on the Xbox... As you say though the Live feature is just awesome and I've become a bit of an addict to say the least.


Anyone on here playing it on X box live? ... maybe we could get a clan together?? :P

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  • 3 months later...
great game, have been playing it round Mo's before the show...


Check out this for the next level of Battlefield gaming :





Now that looks cool :) I love the little BF2 tune at the end :D


I've got BF2 and SF on PC but stopped playing them a while back, but they are pretty good games.

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