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Tony Banks Dies


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Shit, is Robin Cook dead? never knew that :(


Yep, died 6th August. I was suprised that the death was so low key considering the huge support he had. I had a lot of respect for him as a Labour MP compared with most of the other Blairites. As for Tony Banks though I don't know too much about him except that he had an immense love of sport.


* edited to correct my grammar showing that Robin Cook is dead and not going to die.

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I was never a great fan of Tony Banks but he was one of the few 'colourful' characters left in an increasingly bland and conformist parliament.

What I did like about him, however, were his descriptions of some of his fellow MPs:

William Hague, he described as a 'foetus.' Of Margaret Thatcher, he once said that she had the 'sensitivity of a sex-starved boa-constrictor' and, on another occasion, that she was a 'half mad old bag lady.' Kenneth Clarke was 'a pot-bellied old soak,' and the Liberal Democrats were 'woolly-hatted, muesli-eating, Tory lick-spittles'.


I only wish that there were a few more MPs like that because, whether or not I agree with their opinions, at least they're more likely to say what they think than are the Blair-clones and cronies.



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