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The Reality Of The Mea Saga....

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Just read on Isle of Man Online about the financial crisis now hitting the Health Service, rather sad to think that the possible knock on affect of the MEA saga could now possibly have an effect on the health of the people on the Isle of Man.


IOM Online Article on Health Service Financial Crisis


A big well done to our serving MHK's, I hope you are proud of this article, you have sold us all down the river, roll on the General Election in November, when hopefully a new brush will sweep clean!


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Although the MEA might be partly to blame for the reason that there isn't much money around, isn't a much more important question how the DHSS managed to overspend by 8 million? I don't see how that can be blamed on the MEA can it?

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Although the MEA might be partly to blame for the reason that there isn't much money around, isn't a much more important question how the DHSS managed to overspend by 8 million? I don't see how that can be blamed on the MEA can it?

Mr Rodan did state "Drug costs, staffing, care services and the price of fuel have been blamed for the cash shortage."


Admittedly that cannot be blamed on the MEA but I bet it has a lot to do with a general money shortage!



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The health service to be honest with you is money well spent compared to the UK's problems with the NHS.


The MEA saga is another reason why the government must change, the whole structure needs an overhaul.


How they got the extra money is beyond me, spending should be approved by tynwald, not through the back door.


The MEA spending has cost £420 million pounds thus far.


I would personally like to know how near half a billion pounds have been spent on a pipe line and a power station.


Something does not add up to me.


Also isnt it funny how Mr Profit left the MEA 4 to 6 Months before the spending was made public, and also how half the board went with him.


Smoke Means Fire in my book.

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That would be the Gas Line that should be bringing cheaper gas to the IOM but has been used by Manx Gas just to increase it's profits then?


I find it strange how in Ireland they pay between 3.398 and 5.887 cents per unit whislt Manx Gas charge around 5 pence per unit for the same Gas. So the pipeline has done nothing whatsoever for the Manx people in my book.

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I think blaming the entire fiasco on all the MHKs is going a tad too far - yes there was an almight f*ck up but the MEA did their best to hide it for a long time from the IOM Government.


Mike Proffit didn't want any MHKs on the board from the beginning - had there been then there wouldn't have been the scandal there is now and the extra money needed to cover interest payments to Barclays for the second loan, as well as 'Bonus' Payments to Proffit and others.


There still would most likely have been an overspend as most Government projects do tend to overspend - but not to the extent that exists now.


All I hope is that they start learning from their mistakes !! Otherwise I may have to move!!



And I believe there was the supposed pipeline from Iceland ??? However it was deemed too expensive to start!! - even though in the long run would have provided much cheaper gas.

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The health service to be honest with you is money well spent compared to the UK's problems with the NHS.


An interesting observation. Lets look at some changes in the UK NHS provision over the last few years?


1. Maximum waiting time for operations (not in IoM)

2. Maximum wait for 2 weeks for anyone whose GP thinks they may have cancer (not in IoM)

3. Maximum wait for scans and x-rays (not in IoM)

4. Increased use of day case rather than admission (not in IoM)

5. Separation of elective from emergency work reducing the risk of cancelled ops (not in IoM)

6. Introduction of "intermediate care" and a variety of other means to help people stay out of hospital (avaiilable in Ramsey via the cottage hospital)

7. Breast Cancer screening


These are just half a few things out the top of my head that we are not doing that we could be doing. It has to be said that some of them aren't down to money either!

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You should be on the panel which advises the Manx NHS. They were looking for lay members a little while back - but perhaps only those who agree with the present set up.


We appear to have no means of comparison on how our consultants are performing - the mortality rates, clear up rates. Most things appear to get the reply let's see how it goes in the UK before we do anything here.


Our life is in their hands - and we don't know whether to expect the worse or not.

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not sure how the numbers stack up but do know that there seems to be a reduction in spend to the education department for maintenance etc


e.g. run the schools down they are the last place people look......


CRHS is in need of a major refurb but is just overlooked :(

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This Government is the worst one that I have ever known, and I have lived on the Isle of Man for quite a few years now!


Rudderless ship springs to mind with everything that I hear about this present administration.


If someone believes that I am being very negative towards our present Government, perhaps they could remind us all about some of the good things that have happened over the last 4/5 years?


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