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Port St Mary Harbour Appeal

Charles Flynn

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Next week there is an Appeal by the Harbours Division of Government against the decision to reject a proposal to extend the two existing Port St Mary beakwaters, to reclaim land for parking and to dredge within the harbour with a view to building in due course a new yachting marina.


I have been asked to appear as a witness, as Chairman of the Society for the Preservation of the Manx Countryside & Environment and also Island Agenda 21, by the Mannin Angling Club to oppose the plan to build this marina.


I will be be doing this on social, economic and environental grounds. Here are a few points from my evidence.




The village is mainly against this proposal. It is certainly prejudicial to its social fabric. The Port St Mary of to-day with its peace and quiet - some people call it Manxness - will disappear and be replaced by the sameness that is associated with yachting marinas around the world. Unique charm and beauty will be lost.


The biggest problem is safety. When people with a lifetime's maritine experience tell us safety is an issue, we must listen. The RNLI want proof and are not convinced by the computer modelling thought sufficient by the Harbours Division.


I believe that there is a lack of sufficient social concern.




No one knows the true cost of this proposed development. Is it £6 million or more? No one as yet has produced any business plan or any projected loss and profit forecasts.


The Port St Mary Village Plan states " Even possible future development in the village, such as a yacht haven, is unlikely to produce demand to support new retail development". Retail development would be absolutely essential.




Residents at Beach Road and Shore Road are fearful of changes to the tidal flow that may occur.


The Mannin Angling Club are very concerned are it will upset the facilities completely.


There are potential environmental problems with sediment transport, wave and tidal activity, water and sediment quality, marine ecology, visual charater, archaeology and heritage, traffic, noise, dust and air quality etc.


There may well be an environmental impact over a much wider area than just the immediate vicinity of the harbour perhaps as far as the Calf of Man which in the past has been proposed as a marine conservation area.


Visually there will be a significant change to the landscape from Lime St and the south-eastern edge of the harbour.




I am not convinced that this is right for Port St Mary, and as such, the Government should take heed of the precautionary principle of 'leave well alone when unsure'.


There is of course a lot more evidence and the vast majority of the representations that I have seen from the general public are firmly against the proposal. The yachting club want more talks to resolve the issues

as they want to allay much of the concern of the village which is quite evident.


Comments please.


The petition can now be found at:




Please sign it if you wish.

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The village is mainly against this proposal. It is certainly prejudicial to its social fabric. The Port St Mary of to-day with its peace and quiet - some people call it Manxness - will disappear and be replaced by the sameness that is associated with yachting marinas around the world. Unique charm and beauty will be lost.


There is of course a lot more evidence and the vast majority of the representations that I have seen from the general public are firmly against the proposal. The yachting club want more talks to resolve the issues

as they want to allay much of the concern of the village which is quite evident.


Comments please.


I can't understand why the inmates of Port St Mary would have a problem with something of this magnetude coming to their village but at the end of the day it's the decision of the people who have to live there! I'd even heard that teachers at the local school had manipulated pupils into being against the scheme and helping to protest against it.


Port St Mary's loss will hopefully be another towns gain.

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I don't live in the Village but in Douglas.


It is one of the main planks of my argument on behalf of the people I represent that Port St Mary should have the final say and I have to say nearly everyone I have spoken to from the Village is against it and quite vehemently so.


Hardly good for social cohesion.

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I don't live in the Village but in Douglas.


It is one of the main planks of my argument on behalf of the people I represent that Port St Mary should have the final say and I have to say nearly everyone I have spoken to from the Village is against it and quite vehemently so.


Hardly good for social cohesion.


Who you been talking to ??

I live down southside and do my fair share of socialising with friends and family who happen to live in Port St Mary. Ive never heard anyone even mention the Marina never mind vehemently oppose it .

Who you been talking to ??

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I cant do the quote no more but youll kow what i mean when i say i always thought charles flinn was a crunt but ive just change my mind just now


no marina ferchrissake or anyone elses

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Don't understand what the big thing about marinas is! There was outcry in Peel, but now the water retention scheme hasn't provided a blot on the landscape and seems to provide a more usable harbour, bringing the quay area alive. Wheareas before, it was starting to die with a few working fishing boats, but mainly rotting boats left down on the mud during low tide to be unceremoniously re-floated at high tide (that cannot be good for a boat).


And then there was the boat park full of boats which really, apart from wintering, should be in the water where they look magnificent!


In my younger days I used to do quite a lot of sailing (purely as a winch-monkey, mackerel-basher and cook) and PSM was a good setting-off point for many places, but I remember, mainly, Strangford Lough. But getting to the boat was a pain, either you had to bring it in alongside for everyone to get on, or take a tender to the deep moorings and carry that with you wherever you were going.

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Seems simple to me. If the Marina is such a big deal then let the good people in Port St Mary have a vote on it.

Lets not rely on people saying everyone they have talked to has vehemently opposed it ! That sort of thing all depends on who you talk to.

Ive never heard anyone mention the Marina so maybe its not such a big issue, at least amongst the folk I mix with.

Seems a good idea to let people have a vote on it though. Then you would know the feeling in the village.

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Seems simple to me. If the Marina is such a big deal then let the good people in Port St Mary have a vote on it.

Lets not rely on people saying everyone they have talked to has vehemently opposed it ! That sort of thing all depends on who you talk to.

Ive never heard anyone mention the Marina so maybe its not such a big issue, at least amongst the folk I mix with.

Seems a good idea to let people have a vote on it though. Then you would know the feeling in the village.


Go to the Tynwald Office and look at the letters for the Appeal which have been written by the locals. I couldn't find one for it - even I was surprised. The Governments Planning Committee has also opposed it!


I attended a full Public Meeting at the School last year in Port St Mary where there was slightly more against it than for but as time has gone on the against's have increased.


Of course it is only the committed on either side who will want to express their view. The vast majority will sit by and wait and only say what they think after the decision has been made.


Thank you Doric. You've got it right now!

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I was also at that meeting at Scoill Phurt le Moirrey, whilst some people were against the plan most people that I spoke to were in favour of the plans, subject to further detailed plans. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the people around me (the row in front of you) were more concerned about people like you having a lot to say about our village.


Personally I would welcome a marina with open arms; the village is dying a slow death and has done for a number of years. A visit to Portaferry will show that a marina does not mean the end of village life, but allows income to regenerate; by the way Portaferry still has a long way to go!

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I attended a full Public Meeting at the School last year in Port St Mary where there was slightly more against it than for but as time has gone on the against's have increased.

I dont want to be into your ribs all the time Charles but how do you know this ?

I know a lot of people in Port St Mary and none of them have ever mentioned the Marina.

Have you undertaken a survey unbeknown to the good folk of Port St Mary ?


Of course it is only the committed on either side who will want to express their view. The vast majority will sit by and wait and only say what they think after the decision has been made.


Ok now I see. We can discount the vast majority. Its only the committed who matter ?

If you think its so important you should be lobbying for the village to have a vote on it.

It isnt really anyone else's business is it ? After all its the people in Port St Mary who have to live there, not you.

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I was also at that meeting at Scoill Phurt le Moirrey, whilst some people were against the plan most people that I spoke to were in favour of the plans, subject to further detailed plans. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the people around me (the row in front of you) were more concerned about people like you having a lot to say about our village.


Personally I would welcome a marina with open arms; the village is dying a slow death and has done for a number of years. A visit to Portaferry will show that a marina does not mean the end of village life, but allows income to regenerate; by the way Portaferry still has a long way to go!



The people I spoke to were all against it but they knew I was representing the environmentalists.


However I remember asking one question to the Minister, Mr Shimmin and that is all. My recollection is that there were slightly more vocal people against it than for. I entirely agree it is the people of Port St Mary who must decide not outsiders like me. I came to the meeting at short notice as a number of Port St Mary residents wanted me to attend. One of people who invited me was on the committee of the Society for the Preservation of the Manx Countryside & Environment at the time and is a Port St Mary resident. I have not met a single environmentalist who supports this proposal and I have raised it at several meetings of different groups.


I have been asked to represent the Mannin Angling Club as a witness because of my environmental interests. This is legitimate and within the rules of the planning regulations.They are extremely concerned but I will be only supplying evidence within my competence. My services are entirely free and I am attending at my own expense.


I have no wish for any decision to be taken against the interests of the people of Port St Mary and I am making it very clear that I live in Douglas and have no vested interest in the matter apart from representing the Mannin Angling Club as they have requested.

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I attended a full Public Meeting at the School last year in Port St Mary where there was slightly more against it than for but as time has gone on the against's have increased.

I dont want to be into your ribs all the time Charles but how do you know this ?

I know a lot of people in Port St Mary and none of them have ever mentioned the Marina.

Have you undertaken a survey unbeknown to the good folk of Port St Mary ?


Of course it is only the committed on either side who will want to express their view. The vast majority will sit by and wait and only say what they think after the decision has been made.


Ok now I see. We can discount the vast majority. Its only the committed who matter ?

If you think its so important you should be lobbying for the village to have a vote on it.

It isnt really anyone else's business is it ? After all its the people in Port St Mary who have to live there, not you.


It's not my job to do your MHK's work for them. What do they say? Have they done anything apart from sitting on the fence?


All the people of Port St Mary and in fact the whole Island have had their opportunity to make their views known to the Government's Planning Committee. After reading the views of Port St Mary Commissioners (opposed), local residents etc the Planning Committee have rejected the proposals at this stage.


They are asking for assurances and additional information on the nature of the application i.e. whether a full blown yachting marina is planned, more information on outstanding surveys and assessments such as the environmental impact; evidence about safety within the harbour as experienced PSM sailors are concerned about the construction of the harbour entrance; the appearance of the breakwaters which as proposed are in their opinion of poor appearance which could impact the various wave studies which have been carried out; and they want details of more-traditionally designed breakwaters.


If the Appeal were to suceed the Planning Committee would want assurances on these matters and appropriate conditions made before any work was started.

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I have no wish for any decision to be taken against the interests of the people of Port St Mary


As you interpret them ?



No it is not my decision. The decision will be based on evidence submitted from I believe about 42 parties to the Inquiry.


It doesn't matter what my personal views are. It is for the Government to decide and I just want them to be supplied with as much input from the public as possible so they will make the best and right decision - not my decision - but the people's decision after hearing all the evidence.

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