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The Dutch Problem


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I did break my arm on an evenings drinking after falling out of a wheelbarrow and I didn't actually make the hospital until the following lunchtime and then under my own steam - even under moments of stress there's no need to be uneconomical. However should a heroin addict turn up with the same injury they would cost an awful lot more than me to treat what with all those complications that addiction brings, police presence, statements, rehab bah-di-blah-di-blah.


Of course the police presence wouldnt be needed if the question of legality and regulation was sensibly addressed.

Rehab costs for alcoholics presumably are similar to rehab costs for heroin addicts and you can bet a pound to a pinch of the smelly stuff there are more plonkies than there are heroin addicts.

There is a serious issue here though. Its one of over regulation in what should be people's private choices.

People should be trusted to act in a responsible manner and accept the consequences of their choices.

Back off big Brother.

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No problem for me. Just guarantee people can act in a responsible manner and I'm fine with it. But if they struggle to do so over alcohol then what chance do they have with something even more addictive and damaging?

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No problem for me. Just guarantee people can act in a responsible manner and I'm fine with it. But if they struggle to do so over alcohol then what chance do they have with something even more addictive and damaging?


No guarantees about anything in this life. Lets face it, you and I could probably go for a few pints come home and not cause any trouble (both ex servicemen arent we ? learned how to drink !).

Someone else might drink half the amount and end up fighting vandalising cars you name it.

Thats when the law should kick in. Same should apply to drugs. regulate the sale and consumption and if people breach the trust put in them , punish them.

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. Just guarantee people can act in a responsible manner and I'm fine with it.



This coming from the man who asked to be 'banned' from the forum on certain nights because he was so pissed he couldn't trust himself to post?


I would say this might not be the time to be sanctimonious PK. Thin edge of the wedge and all that?

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Some simple facts, broken down to child-like portions.


1. People do and always have wanted to, take drugs of different types, the number grows and grows. They will go out of their way to get these drugs. Mostly, these people are of a "normal" background, people work, they get some drugs off a dealer for recreational use, much like the guy who goes to Tesco and gets a 12 pack of beer along with his shopping. Most of these people just want an alternative to alcohol. As people, regardless of background, have to pay NI and taxes in one way or another, they are no less entitled to whatever health benefits that anyone with smoking or alcohol related illnesses may have.


2. No matter how hard any government has battled against drugs of any type, it has never worked. Prohibition is a failed policy in any society. The government loses money(our money), police lose time better spent on "real" crime, and drug dealers have an open market charging their own prices for their own products, unregulated.


With those 2 simple facts, how does anyone expect to be able to stop drugs, it simply can't be done. Its now 2006, anyone who doesn't think a new strategy is needed to deal with drugs, is just plain stupid.

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The softer drugs (cannabis, ecstacy, cocaine, amphetamines etc) would all be regulated and heavily taxed.


The money saved from policing the laws, prosecutions & prison sentences, along with the money raised from taxing the drugs would be more than enough to provide proper education on drugs, rehab centres etc etc.

I guess you think that by regulating/legalising these drugs, you would pretty much erase the black market, an idea which - in principle - is good: if it's legal, then there's no ground for illegal trade.


But the "heavily taxed" bit unfortunately destroys it - have a look at how many cigarettes are smuggled into the UK every year, simply because the end user, whatever his or her desired product may be, prefers to pay the lowest possible price - it's a BIG industry.


I can already hear you shouting "Yes, some may do that..but not me! I'd buy the good stuff..", and that may well be true, but you have to face the facts: Not everyone would think like you (if you think like that), and many people will opt for the cheaper option, destroying your approach to the subject. Cops will still chase dealers - not on the grounds of selling an illegal substance, but for selling untaxed goods - just as they do now. Both fights are impossible to win - you're never gonna catch all dealers, neither will you get handcuffs on all "smugglers" (From your mate who brought back ciggies from spain, to the more organized guys). You would just be shifting frontiers with that...


And if these drugs are so "soft" (sorry, but the pure thought of legalising ecstacy or cocaine sounds like total lunacy to me), then why exactly would we still need rehab centres?

Why the hell does anyone think they have the right to dictate to other people what they can and can't do with their own bodies? You don't see the need for any more recreational drugs - so what? What right has your (wrong, scared & naive) opinion got to impinge on what anyone else chooses to do?

Sorry if my "wrong, scared & naive opinion" has brought you to this conclusion...


Firstly: I don't think my opinion is so wrong, and it still seems to be shared by a lot of people - if you wish to convince me otherwise, then put up a poll or start a petition.


Simply get active, and show me that the majority of people want pot legalised - the internets should give you enough power to do this - free petition sites are out there a plenty (trust me, used them myself..) - if your opinion regarding this subject is so strong, then you should have the balls to try and prove your point, even if it's only on a local level. I would respect you highly if you did so.


You may see your name in the local paper, and lose the anonimity your forum username provides you with, but that's a price you'll have to pay - I had my full name printed in the paper over such a (comparatively) small issue as coprowl, but I made my point and defended my opinion...


Secondly: I don't think anyone should have the right to tell you what you can and can't take. You can certainly consume whatever substances you like - 100% fine by me - may these be legal substances, or currently illegal ones.


I just don't understand why anyone would want the right to take anything, which may harm your body more than all the things we are exposed to every day already do. It's bad enough that many of us smoke and drink - Is your desire to relax or experience a few hours of euphoria enough to justify the possible implications this has? Are you really willing to damage your body for that?


And finally: I do agree that an awful lot of police and court time, as well as taxpayer's money, is being wasted on chasing people who want to enjoy the occasional joint - instead of using a sledgehammer on them, why not keep pot illegal, but treat it in a different way?


Treat it like traffic offences, and impose fixed penalties - no career ruined by a criminal record - just a fine when you're caught with pot, in the same way that you would be fined if you're caught speeding - the more you have on you / the more you were speeding, the heavier the fine - wouldn't that be a compromise?

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Just guarantee people can act in a responsible manner and I'm fine with it.

This coming from the man who asked to be 'banned' from the forum on certain nights because he was so pissed he couldn't trust himself to post?


I would say this might not be the time to be sanctimonious PK. Thin edge of the wedge and all that?

I view it as a demonstration of a really responsible attitude towards the reality of the situation. For example I won't use a spell checker and if I was pretty well pissed my spelling and worse my logic might fall below my high standards. Not forgetting the basics like I need to get up for work the next morning so I should be in bed! However I can understand your looking on it from a different viewpoint what with me being a bloke and all and a ban needing a certain amount of planning......


Unfortunately my sense of fun coupled with the demon drink has got me into trouble in the past...

I did break my arm on an evenings drinking after falling out of a wheelbarrow

Don't ask.

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We Bees love Holland, we did start going there becuase of the pot situation but we were young then......

10 years on and we still go to Holland, we've taken the children and have friends there. It's a great place.


The whole weed situ here depresses me, I am a responsible person with 2 lovely (well cared for) children and a clean and tidy home (of our own, in a nice residential area, with a garden and second toilet).....but I could go to prison becuase I smoke weed and I will not stop. Will not, not can not!


I would dearly love to voice my opinion but fear I would end up in prison. I try to be open and frank with people about my smoking habits but often people are confused by the legal status of pot and mushrooms, even the police lady friend I have isn't quite sure.


Alex, cocaine a soft drug?? hmmm....its OK so long as people don't be greedy with it but, by its very nature, the drug does tend to command greed. I do enjoy your posts....do you work with my husband? Ecstacy used to be alright. I'm not sure when they took the MDMA out of the pills and replaced it with Ketamine but it was a very sad day! I'd love to be alive to see the decriminalisation but I don't think I'll hold my breath.

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