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Icon Of England


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high divorce rates

the lotto


lambert and butler

moss side



ken barlow


I've left the ones which I think are most appropriate! Divorce brings happiness to many people. The lotto is a national obsession and highlights how desperate many people can be to 'better' themselves. Alcopops are just so very British. L&B represent people choosing to kill themselves by cmoking nasty cigarettes (I'm a smoker but prefer to go to my next live having smoked nice fags). Moss Side kicks ass - I lived there for a few years and loved the place as it felt like a proper community where people actually speak to onanother (gang violence and drive-bys aside). Strongbow is British. Ken Barlow is a good choice too.


Next up - the icon of the Isle of Man...


Manx cats

3 legs of man

Shoprite carrier bags

ignorant and predjudice locals...

haha yea thats right and Nitros saying laxey wheel as a British icon!, beats buckingham palace does that wheel... <_<

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I put the Laxey wheel as a manx icon!



An icon for England is eithier :


Big Ben,


Houses of Parliament


or Stonehenge


an icon for the Isle of man is eithier :


The TT,


Laxey wheel


or the lovely manx ice cream

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