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Non-celebrity Crime


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When Gary Glitter was arrested for assaulting/raping an eleven-year old girl in Vietnam, a thread was started on here that, at the moment, has had over 1,000 'views' and 58 'replies.' Quite rightly, we were shocked by what he'd done and condemned his action without reservation.

However, I can't help wondering how much of that righteous indignation can be attributed to his 'celebrity' status when a case, reported in today's Times - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1979349,00.html - is almost infinitely more horrific, but doesn't seem to have stirred the collective conscience of the forum:


A nightmare for every parent became reality for a struggling single mother when she entrusted her new-born daughter to a child rapist.

Alan Webster not only raped the 12-week-old baby, but he also enlisted the help of his girlfriend to take photographs of his repeated assaults.

Webster, 40, a postman, pleaded guilty to four counts of raping the baby and making indecent images in February and March 2004. He was jailed for life yesterday by a judge who described him as “depraved”.

The judge ordered that Webster should spend a minimum of 12 years in prison before being considered for release.


Recall the things we all (myself included) said about the kind of punishment we thought appropriate for GG, and then try to work out what should be done to a monster like this - or should we just forget it because he isn't 'somebody'?

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a case, reported in today's Times is almost infinitely more horrific,

All child abuse is abhorrent. I didn't realise it had to be rated.


but doesn't seem to have stirred the collective conscience of the forum:

Probably because it hasn't been widely reported yet. First time I've seen it.


Recall the things we all (myself included) said about the kind of punishment we thought appropriate for GG, and then try to work out what should be done to a monster like this - or should we just forget it because he isn't 'somebo dy'?

Dunno what do you suggest? I suggest you give people time to actually read about the case much like they did with GG.


The GG case is obviously going to get more press coverage due to his so called "celebrity status". As with all child rapists/molesters, famous or not, they should not have a second chance. If that means that in countries where the death penalty is allowed then so be it. For these pair, when the sentence is life it should mean exactly that IMHO.

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I wonder exactly what a thread like that would look like really. I don't think there's a single person on here that would express anything other than absolute horror at this situation and all that would follow is a slew of posts one after another saying how evil it is and then the customary argument about what punishment is appropriate.


That argument is generally done to death in the other threads you mention regarding higher profile people and there's generally a greater level of understanding of the individuals concerned, not to mention that the tabloids will devote pages and pages of reporting to it, as opposed to a single page like this. That's just a result of 'celebrity' and the media. In essence, it's the same reason a 'celebrity' who gets arrested for drunk driving will make the front page and a drunk driver who knocks down and kills a random person in an english suburb will only barely make the regionals.


I must admit, I only heard about this case this morning in the paper and apart from the fact that I just can't comprehend the physical mechanics of how you would actually do it, I'm aghast at the fact that his accomplice only got five years. That and the fact that he could be out in 12 years.


I suppose the only miniscule measure of comfort is that the poor girl will never remember any of the crimes. At a later date when they ask questions about the extensive internal scarring they have and will have to deal with it when they're told though. The child's mother must be absolutely distraught, I have no idea how I would cope if that ever happened to one of my own.

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Thank you for that well-considered reply, Ans. There's nothing in it that I can really argue with. My feeling is, though, that the cult of celebrity has, to some extent inured us to the harsher realities of the world. Whilst it may only be human nature to be interested in the achievements and failures of celebrities - and news reportage is bound to reflect that - it sometimes only serves to dull our senses.

I don't have any answers about things like this, nor do I have any understanding of it, I( only know that the story chilled my stomach and made me feel sick. It wasn't really my intention to create another thread about crime and appropriate/inappropriate punishment, just an attempt to eliminate or at least alleviate the feelings of utter revulsion that this story created.

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Rather than be perplexed over celebrity wrong-doing overshadowing perhaps, more disturbing crime stories, I'd be more concerned with the trivialisation of the GG story by virtue of his celeb status


The stories have all been about whether he'd receive the death penalty followed by the customary joke swith little regard for his victim.


At least with this latest story, all our thoughts will turn to the poor plight of the baby and mother concerned.

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I heard that particular story on the news last night and was absolutely horrified. It seems like there has been a few shocking cases of child abuse in the news recently. A 6 year old girl taken from her home whilst she was having a bath, assaulted and left naked and crying on the pavement. A 3 year old child also taken from her home and assaulted, then found when the car they were taking her in crashed.


No matter whether the abusers are famous or not I find these sort of stories shocking and very upsetting, and it makes me wonder what goes on in some people's heads. How anybody could want to comit sex acts on such young children / babies is incomprehensible to me. I couldn't say what I think should be done to these people - as a parent if anybody hurt one of my children like that I would want to inflict as much pain on them in return as possible.

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I don't think that the status of the perpetrator alters what each person who hears of these crimes feels. It is just that with celebrities, we feel we are familiar with them and so more able to discuss and voice an opinion, because we had an earlier opinion about them etc. Similar to a a neighbour being found guilty of some terrible crime; if you know them you talk and think more about it.


I haven't read about the rape of the baby (I really don't want too, just knowing something as depraved as that can be considered by a person is enough to churn my stomach), but I did see the early evening news report.


In my own vengeful way, I would like to ensure that he served his term in an unsegregated prison, just so his fellow cons could just give him a little reminder now and again of why he is there!

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This is the "local" story as it took place in the town I work in. He also got 4 years for assaulting a 14-year old. Apparently he had a wish list of 25 sexual fantasies that "had no boundaries". Sick.


His girlfriend (19) got 10 years as her defence stated she was groomed by him from 14 onwards.


Of course celebrities get more media coverage. It's because they are, errr... celebrities. If the public at large didn't want to hear about them rather than this sicko then they wouldn't be celebrities. You can't blame the media for pandering to the requirements of their market.

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Oh he was probably 'on pot' when he did it. Damn those dirty druggies! I just cannot fathom these people, and his girlfriend taking pictures? WTF? what makes people be like that?


I'm quite a one for 'the reasoning behind', I like to think people do things for a reason, but there can be no reason. I'm too upset to post guys.

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