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Road Closure


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As Summerland is finally being pulled down King Edward Road is going to be closed for a month. It is going to be closed between Summerhill and Port Jack from the morning of Friday 20 January until the evening of Sunday 19 February.


Traffic will be diverted via Summerhill Road, Strathallan Road, Hague Crescent, Imperial Terrace and Port Jack (pedestrian access will be as normal so we can all a good skeet at the demolition work)


How much congestion is this going to cause in the mornings!!!!

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It might actually help traffic get off the junction at the bottom of Summerhill as there wont be any traffic coming from the left.


No it'll just be joining Summerhill from Strathallan Road instead so Summerhill lot will get through quicker but anybody coming from Laxey way will have trouble.

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Would it be better for people from Laxey to go through Onchan instead of turning left over the tram lines at the LA?


I come along the coast road every day so this is going to be a nice bit of awkwardness for me :) I think I might just have to go through Onchan, although I have no idea what the traffic will be like.


The problem with this is that there is still the same amount of traffic, so although Summerhill people can get off the junction with ease, the traffic will still back up along the prom and up Summerhill.


Thanks for letting me know though!

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It's hardly a "traffic nightmare" is it? At the end of the day what can they do whilst they're pulling down the hideous Summerland? It's not safe to allow traffic to flow past because there wouldn't be enough clearance for the destruction teams.


So what it may take people from Laxey and Ramsey an extra 20 minutes to get to work - it's hardly the end of the world.

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It's hardly a "traffic nightmare" is it? At the end of the day what can they do whilst they're pulling down the hideous Summerland? It's not safe to allow traffic to flow past because there wouldn't be enough clearance for the destruction teams.


So what it may take people from Laxey and Ramsey an extra 20 minutes to get to work - it's hardly the end of the world.

Traffic nightmares do not exist on the IOM (unless by that you mean the standard of driving)!


Also heard on MR today that there are objections to a development in Farmhill, partly because of concerns that the additional traffic will add to traffic problems there. What?! There are no traffic problems in Farmhill. Yes, traffic in the morning can back up to the Heron from the traffic lights onto the New Castletown Road, but you are normally clear of that within 5 minutes, but really..... In fact, I am trying to remember the last time I had to wait behind another car to get off a junction in Farmhill! I can't!


As a seasoned M25 and M6 traveller, you ain't seen nothing yet!

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Also heard on MR today that there are objections to a development in Farmhill, partly because of concerns that the additional traffic will add to traffic problems there. What?! There are no traffic problems in Farmhill.


Just because there aren't traffic problems doesn't mean they have to create them to stop Farmhillians feeling deprived :o:lol:. Let's just clog the whole place up solid to make everyone use the bus :lol:



With a proposed extra 30+ houses, there will be another 70+ cars using narrow estate roads, they were never made for through routes or they would have been wider. One of the access routes into the plot is hardly wide enough for two cars to pass.

With the age of the families of the residents who moved in when the estate was started now in their late teens, the number of additional vehicles is evident (many houses have up to 4 cars and vans outside) with many now parking on both sides of the roads or on pavements (making pedestrians walk on the road), it's down to single track road with passing places and HGV's have difficulty negotiating the roads. Heaven forbid we ever need a fire engine !.


They have just finished a huge expansion to the nearby school, they will have to put the temp classrooms back in a the playing field in a couple of years if this goes ahead.


The other reasons for refusal of previous similar applications are still valid.

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I'm not quite sure how planning got through for the apartment I'm moving to in Sycamore Grove (Govt-approved 1st time buyers) - there's 28 2-bedroom flats in the cul-de-sac, and if I counted right, 34 car parking spaces.


They must be planning on it being a lot of 1-car couples etc, as that's only 6 spare spaces for 2-car households and guests to use.

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