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Waste Of Money Again


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Please advise us, ManxChatterBox with your expertise in knowledge where the Villa would supply a discounted rate of accomodation? Equal to that of the Claremount?


Also a friendly, relaxed environment for the National and Local Press to conduct their interviews with the riders and Team Manufacturers throughout the whole of friday and saturday. I think a breakfast buffet was thrown in as well :)


You have still not answered this question chatterbox.


I think maybe one of the concerns was to keep the Riders, Manufacturers and Press happy and together over a 24 hour period so that the all parties could meet each others requirements.


Is it not true to say that without the parties above, the TT would be a complete non-event??


If using everything at hand to the DTL is what you have in mind, should we now advise these people when visiting the Island to wait for the no.44 bus from Ronaldsway airport to Douglas.


Are you not in favour of bringing more business from the Island into the TT and making it the strongest brand possible? With a promising and secure future?


Or should everything be in-house?

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you don't get owt for nowt and particularly in the private sector so I'm afraid I just do not believe the Claremont hasn't in some way had or expects some benefit...'cos if I were the owner I would be wanting to know what the cost was of the food, laundry, electricity etc and how its going to be recouped...

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My God you are a thick fuck. The answer is in the thread.


It is quite simple -


The Claremont benefited because it had people staying there, that came for the conference and they will have used the bar etc.


The Island benefitted because the conference was at no cost (and there would have been a cost to staging at the Villa). By having the accomodation, conference etc. in the same place this helped with the networking and promotion.

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Thank you Declan a constructive response, phew :)


I think some people here see a monopoly as a way of life :D


I think I'm correct in saying that guests may have paid for the laundry to be done, or washed the sheets in the bath. Whatever point it is your trying to prove.


Like Declan said I think Paul answered the comments you put to him openly and honestly. You never know maybe if all goes well the Villa might not be big enough for next years Press Conference.


I wonder if the DLT have a Marquee department? :)

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Nice posts John Beaty, I think you carried on the point Mr Philips was trying to make quite well.


The problem you have is FMCR thinks, in his own mind i admit, he is a major player as regards the TT. He is far from it and only sponsors teams to an amatuer level with regards supplying a bike and maybe some parts backup. He doesn't pay the riders wages, in fact as far as I know he doesn't have anyone apart from amatuer riders who ride for him. So he must be a bit miffed that it wasn't a piss up so he could have a chat like in the beer tents after a race. If he didn't get to see the riders, maybe they saw him first.


The launch wasn't a piss up for the Locals, it's was a proffesionaly put together set up, as I said before, I thought it was spot on as i didn't have to play hide an seek to find who i needed to speak to.


you don't get owt for nowt


With an outlook on life like that I only hope it doesn't come home to roost. Maybe if there's a time when you have to sign on or need fizz, we should send you out to clean the horse shit up on the prom before you get anything.


and for accommodation the Govt has a lot of tents used for the TT tented village


That's a brilliant way forward to showing the Isle of man at it's best. Maybe you should run for election.



I think Declan summed that lot up better than I could.

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Well good luck paul with this years TT i hope its a good one it certainly looks it, Honda win for sure this year.


TAS has had its day.



What you should do next year is give out free stickers for the kids in the petrol stations things like that and more contests for people, this will give added advertising and get some of the youngsters involved.



We need to have younger people giving the opinion's after all that is how you keep the TT alive.


Cannot wait for this years races. :o

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Nice posts John Beaty, I think you carried on the point Mr Philips was trying to make quite well.


The problem you have is FMCR thinks, in his own mind i admit, he is a major player as regards the TT. He is far from it and only sponsors teams to an amatuer level with regards supplying a bike and maybe some parts backup. He doesn't pay the riders wages, in fact as far as I know he doesn't have anyone apart from amatuer riders who ride for him. So he must be a bit miffed that it wasn't a piss up so he could have a chat like in the beer tents after a race. If he didn't get to see the riders, maybe they saw him first.


Regardless off how much I put into the TT,MGP,S100,NW200 plus many other events I have never thought of myself as a big player, and I only sponsor those that need the sponsorship and would never pay any rider to ride my bikes, Celt if you have all the facts how many riders are paid that ride at the TT, fact is that many riders have to pay for the rides provided by Manx sponsors (Well know local sponsor wanted £6k+engine rebuild=plus bend and mend deal off one top local rider last year) . In the past couple of years Ive had as many as six bikes competing at the TT in any one year plus the other events and they have all been rode by lads who respected the help given. I dont feel guilty about anything ive said about the event but may be guilty of putting too much money where my mouth is when it comes to the TT, and to back up what I said about the loss of a 600 race at the TT I feel ive wasted in the region of over £25k on a 600 machine which to have only one race is not value for money, and it would have been better if they had annouced this decision to drop a 600 race earlier as in past years to allow riders to decide what machines to buy


Paul has answered the question regarding a waste of money and im quite happy with the answer, but that wont stop others from thinking money has been wasted by not using the Villa for a DTL event.

keep up the good work Paul.

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