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How Much Did The Fencing At Langness Cost?


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In Tynwald today Eddie Lowey asked the Min For AgFishForr about the fencing at Langness...it transpires a Government grant was given to the landowner.... for fencing so as to separate off the agricultural land from the grazing land...apparently Govt doled out £12,698.12....


and Govt doesn't insist the fence is then insured. ..


as for the coastal footpath being completed no mention was made of any of that stretch up in Maughold where the landowner behaves like a feudal chieftan with the walking public being worse than serfs...except teh CM confirmed there is no law against trespass...so when is there going to be a public demonstration with as many people as possible walking that stretch where there is no footpath sign?

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In Tynwald today Eddie Lowey asked the Min For AgFishForr about the fencing at Langness...it transpires a Government grant was given to the landowner.... for fencing so as to separate off the agricultural land from the grazing land...apparently Govt doled out £12,698.12....



Please tell me this is not true!

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yes it is true ..I did manage to get to the debate just as this was being discussed a and I made a note of the amount on my Tynwald Question paper...and it will be confirmed in due course in the Hansard minutes...


..interestingly the Dept seems to hjave decided that as public money was involved it was in the public interest to disclose the amount...and that they are looking at making public in future the amount of grants that are awarded and who to...yipee some openness at last...Phil Gawne stand your ground !!!

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Yet again, I don't understand your point. Is this fencing put up by the much maligned JC, or is it other fencing? Also, is there any question that whoever received the grant was not entitled to it? Is the grant means tested, so you would have a gripe if someone who could afford to do it received a grant? Surely, whether it is insured or not is at the risk of the landowner not the government?


What, exactly, is your point here? If the landowner fulfilled the criteria for a grant, why shouldn't they receive the grant? I am sure there are landowners much wealthier than him (if it is he) receivng various grants, because they meet the criteria!


FFS, grow up and stop posting non-sensical twaddle as though you have uncovered a scoop!

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1) I wish I earned enough to be a taxpayer


2) Mr Eddie Lowey MLC asked the question about the cost in Tynwald and I'm sure he doesn't think its "non-sensical twaddle"


MCB have you considered running for the elections? I'm being serious - the island needs people like yourself who are prepared to ask questions however awkward and not afraid of critisism. Also post on the other Manx forums if you want your views to reach a wider audience (www.manxies.com)

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Well from what i have read on the grant system it seems to be an exercise in keeping people in work.


This year there will be a million pound spent on landowners properties in the way of government grants.


Its a system that i think is good as long as it is not abused, but it is the isle of man so somebody somewhere is doing very well from it.


I think JC has not done anything wrong he is trying to restore and maintain the area so good on him.


i think £12.698.18 is a bit much for some stock fencing, like i said somebody somewhere is doing well.

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