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Who Wants A Speed Limit Of 70mph On The Mountain Road?


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You' don't drink in the Rovers with ans do you? Or perhaps you are ans?


Plus you've dug up what you think is a corpse and written a good lengthy post . :)

Nope I'm not Ans, nor do I drink in the rovers (not very often)


If it could be proved that an all Island speed limit would save lives I would back it 100%. The issue I have with the way this is being approached is that the government want to hit all the problems it with a big bat in the hope it might work. What they need to do is address what is causing the accidents. The government need to enforce current legislation and laws before they bring in new ones. The fact that the minister claims the situation is worse than is was last year proves that the government policies aren't working or more accurately, the government are doing nothing to improve road safety and haven't taken onboard the suggestions made following the last consultation.


Remember the issue with registration plates last year? Speed cameras on the way I reckon. Yep, speed cameras! Damn good idea I say. Maybe they can then enforce the speed limits we have already, slow some of the clowns down who exceed the imposed limits.


I'm still a big fan of re-evaluation of drivers every couple of years. It makes me mad when you see some of the old gimmers driving round in their cataracts haze induced world unaware of anyone or anything around them. The roads need to be safer but we need to educate, not legislate. If at the end of the day a blanket speed limit is imposed upon us, crashes will still happen and unfortunately, people will STILL die on the roads. The blanket speed limit will have not have achieved it's aim, the government will have to think again.


I will be writing again the minister and the papers (who won't publish my letters) explaining what I think should be done and I suggest everyone else does, whether that be for or against a limit.


Remember - http://www.nolimit.org.im

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But if we take the poll Cheesy started, and the Manx Net poll linked to earlier (although neither seem particularly scientific) the views are running at roughly 55% anti to 45% pro.


So let's assume that is accurate, and take your view that Braidwood should n't raise the issue because "the majoritty are against it" to its logical conclusion and you are saying that -


1. None of 24 Tynwald Members should raise the views of the 45% of the population.


2. 45% of the population are not allowed to have their views heard in Tynwald.

To suggest that a minority view shouldn't espoused by elected politicians becomes more daft, when the politician like Braidwood represents a multi-member constituency.


Thanks Declan. The polls I started on this forum and manxies.net show that around 55% favour no restrictions and around 45% favour a restriction of some kind. Maybe a compromise would be to impose a limit on the most dangerous parts, increase patrols for dangerous drivers and prevent 'R' drivers from using the road?

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I'm not sure this is an issue where there can be a compromise Cheesy - both sides seem pretty entrenched.


Although, personally, I wouldn't take the votes on this forum as neccessarily being representative of the views of the Island as a whole.

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Thanks Declan. The polls I started on this forum and manxies.net show that around 55% favour no restrictions and around 45% favour a restriction of some kind. Maybe a compromise would be to impose a limit on the most dangerous parts, increase patrols for dangerous drivers and prevent 'R' drivers from using the road?


No disrespect but why are you starting polls on Manx Forums asking about a very serious issue which will affect everyone living here when you don't even live here? Comments like

Maybe a compromise would be to impose a limit on the most dangerous parts, increase patrols for dangerous drivers and prevent 'R' drivers from using the road?
are just not on. Grow up and stop trolling a very important issue.
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Let's just cut to the thrust


Step 1. Kill someone whilst wrecklessly hairing it down the road in a perfectly mechanically sound car.


Step 2. "Oh Shit"


Step 3. Daddy employs a QC (thereby rendering the drunk and coke retards lawyers of the IoM 'fucked')


Step 4. Join the freemasons


Step 5. Take the advanced driving test


Step 6. Ignore the fact you are a coke head and sanitise the matter by 'becoming' a whimsical 'hairdresser' (or such-like)


Step 7. Court case (IoM style)


Step 8. Walk away with a 'free' conscience. Minus of course a minuscule percentile of Daddy's riches.


Step 9. - see Step 4. ie. Loads of 'mates' about town. Who are also lonely and sad but at least you are all together in this.



This am the Isle of Man folks.



This am de Isle of Man

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How can you prevent 'R' plated drivers from using the road, Everyone was a new driver at some stage yet, when people get older they seem to complain about younger drivers, Do people just forget that one day you were a new driver and just as dangerous to the roads.


Enforcing the speed of 50mph for new drivers would be a good idea, before anyone can complain about their speed, If they get away with going over 50mph they are going to keep doing it and not learn anything.


Speed limits don't need to change, It is people's attitude towards driving that needs to change.


Enforcing existing speed limits would be a good idea aswell, Sticking a few speed camera's on the mountain and changing signs to 70mph will not change anything, That is not actually enforcing, It will only cause people to break hard wherever there is a speed camera, Which will only lead to more accidents!

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Thanks Declan. The polls I started on this forum and manxies.net show that around 55% favour no restrictions and around 45% favour a restriction of some kind. Maybe a compromise would be to impose a limit on the most dangerous parts, increase patrols for dangerous drivers and prevent 'R' drivers from using the road?


No disrespect but why are you starting polls on Manx Forums asking about a very serious issue which will affect everyone living here when you don't even live here? Comments like

Maybe a compromise would be to impose a limit on the most dangerous parts, increase patrols for dangerous drivers and prevent 'R' drivers from using the road?
are just not on. Grow up and stop trolling a very important issue.


I'm not trolling. I asked the question and many people have responded. I'm all for a speed limit for safety reasons but this poll, previous polls and common opinion shows that I'm in a minority. Yes, Declan the figures aren't representative - I actually think more on the island are against a speed limit than shown in the poll.


It's called Manx Forums Dooahhdoo not Manx-Resident Forums. I'm Manx so feel that I also deserve a say in the matter too - remember it's an internet forum so it's not exactly binding!

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I'm Manx so feel that I also deserve a say in the matter too - remember it's an internet forum so it's not exactly binding!


Do you live here? No. You live in Poland. Funny how I also have an entry on the nolimit website from an ip address in Poland with profanities.


But, thanks for reminding me I am on the interwebnet and posting on one of them forum things as I may have forgotten that it isn't binding.

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Just because he lives in Poland, That doesn't mean he can't have an opinion, are you sure everyone else that has signed up to your petition, lives on the island?


I'd say anybody that regulary visits the Island/lives on the island or is indeed Manx should be able to have an opinion whether the Island has a speed limit or not.

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If, after the consultation period, you are not happy with what has been voted in, remember that you can express your feelings at the ballot box in November. This counts whether you are for or against a blanket speed limit.


I suspect it will be the same as last time though. The for brigade will shout a lot, the anti brigade will offer suggestions. We'll wait and see.


Next topic please: 4x4 drivers.


Added: http://www.speedcam.co.uk/gatso2.htm

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Do you know what pisses me off the most about this ?


As anyone who has been in a car with me would verify I obey the speed limits totally. I might go quicker outside them but if it says 20 I do at most 20, if it says 30 I do at most 30 etc.


Why ? Because the speed limits are there for a reason. They are to make towns and villages safer.


So how annoyed am I when I'm cruising along Glenclutchery Road and some one catches me up ?


These people aren't obeying the limits now, and they won't obey any new limits.


No, it will be quick but law abiding drivers like me (and we are in the minority) who actually obey the law.


Deaths won't go down as like all the other laws meant to protect people it won't be enforced.


What do I mean by that ? Think back. How many people have died in traffic accidents where someone was breaking an existing law ? For instance - no driving licence, no seatbelt, speed in restricted zone, stolen car, speeding on an R plate etc etc.


So basically I will have to follow a law which isn't going to make me any safer as other people who don't drive as carefully, considerately or with the same awareness as I do won't be obeying it.


Does that seem right to you ?


No ? it doesn't to me either.


So what will I do ? Its already started. I've started ignoring speed limits in built up areas. There is no point. No one else obeys them so why should I ?


If a speed limit comes in I am going to sell my current motorbike and buy a supermotard. It will only do 80 but no speed camera will catch me on a twisty single track 'c' road at 50 mph.


Safer ? nope.


Step in the right direction ? Nope.


I hope you can see the frustration in my writing....

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I know exactly what you mean. People catch you up in the restricted areas and then sit on your arse. What would happen if I had to stop in a hurry? Is my three year old child going to be injured when I get hit up the arse?


I've been overtaken in 30, 40 and 50 limits whilst driving within the limit and it pisses me off, not because I've been overtaken, it's because these people have little or no regard for the law and the safety of other people. Tomorrow I take delivery of my new car, it's big, it's german and it's rather powerful, will I be exceeding the speed limits? No! Will I stretch it's legs on a clear open road, driving in accordance with the prevailing conditions? You betchya!


I also ride a motorbike. That to is quick. The only time I have ever been "close to death" whilst riding was around town. People just don't see you, even though you have your headlight on (see gimmer reference above). I posted on here the last time it happened


Do people really need to be told what speed to travel at? I thought only small children, the infirm and the elderly need adult guidance. We need to educate, this is the only way to make safer drivers.


A suggestion: Next when you are driving, leave a large gap between you and the car in front, be aware of the speed you are driving at and stick to the limits (prevailing conditions etc) and see how many people either overtake or tailgate. When you get to a junction, let a few people filter in. Slow down on the approach to traffic lights. Most of all, don't feckin tailgate me!


New road safety device - The steering wheel spike (an idea from another safe driver)

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Fantastic post Maggle. Outlines problems that are prevalent elsewhere as well. I regularly get tailgated whilst sticking to a 30 limit through a town/village, same numpty is nowhere to be seen on a stretch of open road.


Poor driving standards definitely ain't restricted to the island.

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