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Who Wants A Speed Limit Of 70mph On The Mountain Road?


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Well i just hope they don't do this to the mountain road it will kill off the TT for sure.


What needs to be done is for police to look at the roads that have limits already.


The road by the wessex garage is a prime blck spot, people fly down that road what i want to see is speed cameras in town's first just to see if it stop's the accidents .


Look at the tragic case of that young girl who was hit and killed and that was in a 30mph zone.


The only way to stop the problem is if we all walk everywhere.


Just hope this bloody postman prat never get's elected again.

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And if you're the dipstick who owns that neon ridden scooter try riding it into the harbour...


I stopped reading at this point as whilst I do have thoughts on the subject they're hardly profound, aren't going to change anything etc, and can't be arsed reading all the same stuff over again. If they do it they do it. I won't like it but that's that.


What I was getting to is that yes, this particular ring-end is a perfect example of why certain people who have access & possibly permission to use vehicles help spoil things for others. I was walking home from work last week and saw the bellened rider of said scooter doing wheelies off from the traffic lights at the bottom of Broadway, apparently not caring if the cars behind him reported him.


Sure he'll still think he's 'dead cool' when he falls off the back & gets run over by the car behind, or dislodges a vertebra. Go on lad. You show em.

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What needs to be done is for police to look at the roads that have limits already.


The road by the wessex garage is a prime blck spot, people fly down that road what i want to see is speed cameras in town's first just to see if it stop's the accidents .


Look at the tragic case of that young girl who was hit and killed and that was in a 30mph zone.


The only way to stop the problem is if we all walk everywhere.


Just hope this bloody postman prat never get's elected again.


The police & DOT are looking at that already - always a good idea to read all the info relating to the investigation before mouthing off and slagging people off.


To tackle the problem the department plans to introduce speed cameras to help the police enforce speed limits, introduce lower speed limits in accident hotspots, promote legislation to increase the driving age for young drivers and extend the period to two years for displaying R plates.
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The police & DOT are looking at that already - always a good idea to read all the info relating to the investigation before mouthing off and slagging people off.


It's no good the police and DOT "looking" at it, they need to "do" something about it. Also, some people are passionate about what they believe in, this in turn can reflect in their postings. The government and DOT are always looking for the quick fix such as signs showing how many people have been killed in the last three years and speed bumps in the wrong places just two examples. They need to attack the root cause, dangerous drivers!


I want to see cameras on residential roads, traffic lights and outside schools. I want to see retesting every three years. I want to see MOT's on ALL vehicles. I want to see horses taxed, insured and displaying a license plate. I want to see people being fined for parking on pavements. I want to see tail-gaters fined. I want to see roads without potholes. I want to see clean roads not covered in shit.


See where I'm going?

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Freddie Bell pressed David Cretney on today's Mannin Line as to whether or not he (DC) believed there should be a 70mph maximum speed limit on the Mountain Road....guess what his answer was....collective responsibility?? not on this issue......(too close to election time)


That's not the way I heard it


Freddie Bell was asking David Cretney if he believed in speed limits. Cretney was trying to reply that he did believe in them in towns, outside schools, etc. but not in all parts of the country. Bell kept interupting Cretney, trying to be clever, which is hard for a idiot like him

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In Tynwald today Phil Braidwood has proposed a maximum speed limit on the Mountain Road of 70 mph and 60mph on all other roads...


Bernie May committed political suicide...is this Phil Braidwood doing the same...?



Phil Braidwood ? Isnt that the bloke that is moving 3 disabled drivers parking spots from Regent St to Loch Prom and recons they are still "within walking distance" of Regent St Post Office ?

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One thing that seems to be forgotten in this whole speed limit debate (may this be on the mountain road, Ballamodha, or Island wide), is that automobile technology has moved on, yet the roads are still the same.


What I mean by that? Simple - cars are getting safer and safer all the time, with Airbags (as much as 8 in some cars), anti-lock brakes (ABS), electronic traction and stability controls, highly improved construction methods, better suspension and tires, etc... Here are a few examples:


The old VW Beetle - a death trap on wheels:




VW Golf MKII - a little better, but not much:




And with the Golf MKIV, things looked pretty good already:




Only to be surpassed by the 2004 model, which received a Euro NCAP 5-Star rating (meaning its pretty safe):




Yet the roads these cars drive around on (and all of the above models are still being driven on the Island) are still the same - a new Golf drives on the same roads that the old Beetle used to take on when it was new - not much has changed. But there are a lot of things that could be changed, as road safety technology has moved on as well:


For example, what about all the sign posts/traffic signs/lamp posts over here? Sturdy construtions that can literally cut your car in half when you hit one, probably causing serious injury in the process, as they usually have concrete foundations and are not known to give way easily. There are companies out there selling safer options - posts, that fold away over or under your car when you hit one, with minimal damage to your car and its occupants - this company is only one of them.


Or what about fences and barriers that catch cars, instead of letting them crash through and bounce down the mountain? These guys are selling such a system - a video on their website looks pretty impressive, catching a big american pick-up truck - they point out that the whole system is based on "mostly standard cable hardware", so one would imagine that it can't be rocket science to install something like that...


Another example is a project BMW started on the motorway leading from the Airport near Munich into the city itself - they basically installed "interactive reflective posts" at the side of the road - much like the reflective posts you see on the side of the mountain road, but these things were wired up and had lights in them. Whenever there was no obstruction or problem ahead, the posts would display a green light - but when there was a problem (i.e. accident, fog, etc.), the posts would display a flashing red or orange light, warning you of the things ahead - as far as I know, this system is still in operation there - at least it was when I drove past it last year. Granted, it is pretty advanced and was only part of BMW's research into possible improvements when it comes to road safety, but it certainly shows what is possible these days...


To get to my point: Car manufacturers are spending billions of pounds on making their products safer, yet some people think its ok to just slap a speed limit on some roads, and think that's all they need to do to improve safety.


The roads over here are some of the worst I have ever seen or driven on, and to think that its ok to simply do nothing more than produce some half-hearted road safety campaigns, which mostly seem to consist of radio adverts, and slap on a speed limit while you're at it, just can't be the real thing...


We can attract Vodaphone to test their (IMO already outdated and useless) 3G phone system over here - why can't we be on the forefront when it comes to road safety technology, and really prove that we are worthy of the title "Road Racing Capitol of the World"?

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Amadeus, you have summed my sentiments exactly. I just want to add that the only thing we do not seem to be improving is the driver.


Surely, in this day and age we should be training new drivers how to handle a vehicle before being let loose on the roads? Now we only train them how to pass a pitifully inadequate test that still assesses an emergency stop at 25 miles per hour and at best only reaches 40 miles per hour for 400 yards on a straight piece of road! :blink:

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The police & DOT are looking at that already - always a good idea to read all the info relating to the investigation before mouthing off and slagging people off.


It's no good the police and DOT "looking" at it, they need to "do" something about it. Also, some people are passionate about what they believe in, this in turn can reflect in their postings. The government and DOT are always looking for the quick fix such as signs showing how many people have been killed in the last three years and speed bumps in the wrong places just two examples. They need to attack the root cause, dangerous drivers!


I want to see cameras on residential roads, traffic lights and outside schools. I want to see retesting every three years. I want to see MOT's on ALL vehicles. I want to see horses taxed, insured and displaying a license plate. I want to see people being fined for parking on pavements. I want to see tail-gaters fined. I want to see roads without potholes. I want to see clean roads not covered in shit.


See where I'm going?

With the exception of the 3-yearly re-testing I'm with you.


50/60 mph island-wide limits, re-testing starting at 60 then every 5 years.


And a ban on 4x4 unless you really are a farmer, not just some sad Muppet who feels safer taking her offspring to school in a tank.


1 litre engines are more than adequate for the Island.

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