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Pot Remains Class 'c'


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I also break the law. I don't ignore it though.
Is there a difference?


I just don't live by "my moral code" and fuck everyone else! My morals might not be acceptable to the next person, so its a bit of respect to others and I guess that is the make-up of a respectable society.
Fair play to you, your mother must be very proud. I do though. I can't just blindly believe in a law system that I believe to be flawed and wrong.


You may not like hearing it said in black & white but if you break the law yourself then that is exactly what you are also doing.


Oh and ans....assaulting people in the street is also against the law. Where was your moral highground then?





Anyway, to get back to the topic, one good reason to reclassify drugs like Ecstasy is that if they are set at Class A, along with dangerous and highly addictve drugs like heroin and crack cocaine, then people who have taken ecstasy and found it to be purely a pleasurable experience with no ill-effects could easily think that heroin/crack might be equally as over rated. Many young people regularly take ecstasy, it's non addictive and there are rarely any bad effects or related deaths.


If we are to have a system of classifying drugs they should be realistically set, it's not all about punishment and prison. There is an overhaul planned pretty soon though from the sounds of it.

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Oh, and from the Drug and Alchohol Strategy report 2004.....

So it's as I said, you get two years less for being caught with hash. Not much of a change really and that ties with the recent cannabis prosecutions in the paper.


Yes but they are the maximum penalties which NEVER apply. At the end of the day it's not the government who decide how the drug is dealt with it's the population and the police force. No police force bother to arrest cannabis users even if the maximum penalty is 2 years. Why would they bother? They have more serious things to deal with and obviously a good minority of the police force will use the drug themselves just as in the general population. It may not be legal by law but it is virtually legal when you consider the fact that doctors, police, judges and most of the population don't consider it a crime especially not one worth punishing.


When was the last time anyone in the UK was arrested and charged for possession of cannabis? Or on the island for that matter?

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Oh and ans....assaulting people in the street is also against the law. Where was your moral highground then?


Tell you what, I know if I was given a choice as to what was on my criminal record, I'd choose that over drug possession everytime.


Drugs were kinda cool when I was at school. I guess I grew up.

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Well your moral code obviously differs somewhat from mine then.


And I'd choose to know, employ or work for someone who smoked a few spliffs or popped the odd pill rather than a bullyboy thug with ABH/GHB on their record.


Though bullying and fighting tactics were kinda cool when I was at school. I guess I grew up. : P


Moving on...


I haven't heard of anyone being arrested for cannabis possession for ages, but if someone is caught in possession they are offered a placement on the drug referral scheme rather than face charges these days (if small amount for personal use). If they fail to attend that they could land up in court though.

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Do you think it could be successfully regulated and taxed if it was legalised ?


As successfully as normal tobacco and booze is.


Could people be trusted to act responsibly ?


A minority of people don't act responsibly with the legal stimulants we have already. I don't see how it would be any different.


At the end of the day, if it was made legal, it wouldn't make any difference to me as I don't take anything that isn't legal right now. I guess it would put a stop to the endless threads we have on the subject here, so that has to be a plus.


I just find it comical that people continue to act like naughty schoolchildren by deliberately flouting the law. The law is there for whatever reason, and if you don't agree with it, fine, fight for it to be changed. Although I guess if it was actually made legal, it wouldn't be 'cool' anymore, much the same way as drinking cheap cider in vast quantities was ace when you were under 18, but now it just seems like a bad idea.

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I don't think that ignoring the law in relation to a victimless crime like drug possession is the same as doing so in respect of crimes of violence. The libertarian argument goes: your freedom to swing your fist ends at my nose. But up to that point, the freedom exists

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