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National Criminal Dna Database


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I haven't done anything wrong, so feck them if they want my DNA. And FECK THEM DOUBLE if they take it as a result of some arrest that doesn't even lead to a conviction.


Ans would have us all live in Orwell-land. Too much power in the hands of these feckers (and Christ, how dishonest have they proved to be, even in a tiny force such as that of the IOM) is a BAD thing

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I haven't done anything wrong, so feck them if they want my DNA. And FECK THEM DOUBLE if they take it as a result of some arrest that doesn't even lead to a conviction.


Ans would have us all live in Orwell-land. Too much power in the hands of these feckers (and Christ, how dishonest have they proved to be, even in a tiny force such as that of the IOM) is a BAD thing


Can you even attempt to explain what abuses of power could take place that would effect you?


Try to avoid generic phrases that don't actually have any substance whatsover.

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There is no reason a properly drafted and policed set of regulations would be unable to safeguard an individuals civil liberties.

Im all for it provided its use is tightly regulated.

Absolutely. I wouldn't sign up to some shoddily run farce either, but provided it was regulated, audited and the database was secure, I don't see any of the negatives coming close to outweighing the positives.

Fine as far as it goes. Lots of good words - "properly drafted", "policed", "regulations", "safeguard" etc etc etc plus the tired, worn and inevitable "If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear" boring boring yawn yawn....


Question: "Who watches the watchers?".


You know, you just can't beat a Wednesday night.....

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There is no reason a properly drafted and policed set of regulations would be unable to safeguard an individuals civil liberties.

Im all for it provided its use is tightly regulated.


Absolutely. I wouldn't sign up to some shoddily run farce either, but provided it was regulated, audited and the database was secure, I don't see any of the negatives coming close to outweighing the positives.



I haven't done anything wrong, so feck them if they want my DNA. And FECK THEM DOUBLE if they take it as a result of some arrest that doesn't even lead to a conviction.


Ans would have us all live in Orwell-land. Too much power in the hands of these feckers (and Christ, how dishonest have they proved to be, even in a tiny force such as that of the IOM) is a BAD thing


Can you even attempt to explain what abuses of power could take place that would effect you?


Try to avoid generic phrases that don't actually have any substance whatsover.


We'll find out if you have your way

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Personally i have no issue with it. If it helps prevent just one murder, rape or such crime they can gladly have mine.


Err, isn't it primarily meant to assist in solving them?


Just realised on contiuning the thread that mollag beat me to it

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We'll find out if you have your way


It's not my way. I don't even vote so I can't even influence things in a tiny way.


I genuinely hope they do create a DNA database. I can appreciate there is too much resistance to get the general population to sign up voluntarily so it should be captured at birth, hospital visits and continue to be collected during criminal investigations. If 'my way' means that my kids are safer on the streets, then yes, I do hope I get 'my way'.

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Err, isn't it primarily meant to assist in solving them?


Just realised on contiuning the thread that mollag beat me to it


Have you reached the part where I tried to explain it how I saw it?

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It wouldn't stop a spur of the moment crime, or a crime of passion, but if someone planning a murder was told that there was was a massively increased risk of being caught hung, they may just think again.


An oft re-hashed pro death penalty argument doesn't fit that well

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It wouldn't stop a spur of the moment crime, or a crime of passion, but if someone planning a murder was told that there was was a massively increased risk of being caughthung, they may just think again.


Heh, it's not Minority Report you know. Much more accurate detection methods must act as a deterrent.

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Question: "Who watches the watchers?".


You know, you just can't beat a Wednesday night.....

Teflon shoulders....

I find it highly amusing that all those who favour this kind of "big brother" overwatch of society base it all on the entirely false premise that those administering the system are somehow inhuman, emotionless and entirely devoid of human frailties. If only they would actually admit that the human condition is basically flawed then they would realise that their entire basis of the infallibility of such a database is doomed from the start. For some reason it is always those who think they are somehow above the rest of us....

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There is already a whole range of data held on everyone living legally in the British Isles.

Some of it is held illegally and constitutes an intrusion on genuine civil liberties.

Unfortunately, there is reason to believe the UK police have illegally obtained and stored DNA records of approximately 50,000 people. This constitutes an unlawful intrusion into people's privacy and clearly needs to be put right.

Opposition to the proposed Information System, based on some imagined abuse of state power is way off the mark.

On the contrary, it would be lessening a breach of civil liberties, not worsening the situation. It would be properly funded, rigorously designed, subject to audit and the rule of law.

It would also deliver benefits in terms of helping to identify criminals who might have committed horrendous acts against innocent folks.

I personally think it would be a worthwhile project and would have no problem whatsoever in supporting it.

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Question: "Who watches the watchers?".


You know, you just can't beat a Wednesday night.....

Teflon shoulders....

I find it highly amusing that all those who favour this kind of "big brother" overwatch of society base it all on the entirely false premise that those administering the system are somehow inhuman, emotionless and entirely devoid of human frailties. If only they would actually admit that the human condition is basically flawed then they would realise that their entire basis of the infallibility of such a database is doomed from the start. For some reason it is always those who think they are somehow above the rest of us....


Hope you are ok ? Talking to yourself might be construed as a problem by some people B)

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Why are there so many nasty shites on this forum?


I see, so because my opinion is different to yours and I question the motives behind you having what is essentially a populist view with no real meat to it, I'm a nasty shite? I didn't realise you were such a precious little flower.


I'm giving you the opportunity to explain why you're so against it, and apart from waving a vague flag for freedom in the air, without actually explaining why you're hoisting it, you're not taking it. Draw your own conclusion.

No Ans you dont see, your opinion is valid and respected, you are one the other hand one of the posters who personalise all discussions, whiners, wooly, bleeding heart liberals etc.

So what are we this post, vague flag waver, precious little flower. Can you make a post without name calling?


As to opportunity given, i have given my opinion in what was a interesting post, then in you come with the rubbishing tactics, and you a moderater, for shame.


So once more , why is it we have never had to supply our fingerprints on the same basis.

Do you intend or have you ever offered your own personal data for record.

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