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Why Does Douglas Corp Have Uncollected Rents...


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net arrears of rent carried forward to February are £63,534 of which 37 tenants account for £27,540...begs the question as to what the rent collection officers are doing to collect payment..and what the enforcement officer is doing to ensure payment is made...also makes you wonder why the 37 tenants aren't shown the door....why should the majority of responsible people who pay on time subsidise the cost for those who don't...

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Perhaps the rent collection officers are doing a great deal, you know, like coming to an arrangement with those who have fallen behind in their rent. The arrears would surely still have to be shown as arrears (otherwise they would just be written-off, which no ratepayer would want to see) even though there was some active credit control management going on.


Yet again MCB, you have got hold of something and posted it as a great scandal expose, without proper research or even thinking about it! All businesses (and the Corpy, in this context, is a business) have debtors, its just how they are managed that is the important issue.


As Sarah says, if evicted, where do they go, up to Douglas Head?

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GTBB...."All businesses (and the Corpy, in this context, is a business) have debtors, its just how they are managed that is the important issue"....excellent observation...the question must therefore be is the Corpy managing the situation to the maximum benefit of the ratepayers or is the situation and the debt figure escallating with little being done to retrieve the monies due....

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GTBB...."All businesses (and the Corpy, in this context, is a business) have debtors, its just how they are managed that is the important issue"....excellent observation...the question must therefore be is the Corpy managing the situation to the maximum benefit of the ratepayers or is the situation and the debt figure escallating with little being done to retrieve the monies due....

Well, you would have to ask the Corpy what they are doing to reduce and manage these debts without creating a bigger social problem. It is very easy to hit on a headline piece of news and use it as a banner for some other agenda; much more difficult to sit back and consider what the headline really means and what can be done to address it!

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But, perhaps, that is exactly what they are doing! Just because they are showing rent arrears does not mean they aren't doing anything about it! Your sledgehammer approach is not going to solve many problems.


Why not take a considered approach? As a potential policitican how would you like to deal with people being evicted from corporation housing? Find the wrong example and imagine your career in ruins!


You have not posted how much the arrears are in terms of percentage of housing rent. That will be a very big factor in deciding how best to deal with it. Like it or not, it is social housing, and something the Island very badly needs, so a measured response may be better than kneecapping!

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Yes, but that is a different issue from the one you brought up. Your issue was what was being done about the rent arrears. Now you are turning it into an ownership scheme for people who you do not believe have the grit to pay rent!


FFS make your mind up and, please, make yourself known as MCB at the November elections because I probably will stand myself just to return the vexation factor that you have delivered in only one evening!

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exactly..what is being done about the rent arrears...the Corpy minutes don't say...so best guess is the enforcement officer isn't enforcing hard enough...or there is some nambypamby decision maker holding him back...or the rent arrears are being managed cos they are otherwise political trouble...

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I'm beginning to think that Glad to be back and Manxchatterbox are one and the same.


They both post at the same time and are interested in the same subjects.


Has GTTB created MCB as a Sock Puppet, so that she can win all the arguements, thwart the fictional political ambitions of MCB and use that as a launchpad for her own bid of the Keys?

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I'm beginning to think that Glad to be back and Manxchatterbox are one and the same.


They both post at the same time and are interested in the same subjects.


Has GTTB created MCB as a Sock Puppet, so that she can win all the arguements, thwart the fictional political ambitions of MCB and use that as a launchpad for her own bid of the Keys?

God forbid Declan! I do not have any alter egos on the Forum, and if I did have one, it certainly would not be MCB, or Rog for that matter. They are both opinionated and ill-informed posters who reveal the depth of their ignorance within the first sentence or two of their posts! As for being interested in the same subjects, it is hard to find a subject to be interested in that MCB has not either started or dominated!


As for standing for the Keys, believe me I have no political ambition! If it wasn't for the immense hassle factor involved though, I would love to stand along side MCB just for a day or two to be an irritant as pay-back for the amount of irritation caused on this Forum last night!

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The politicians are to blame.

They have no backbone. They fear that if a family is evicted, it'll look bad.

In a way, Manx society is too caring.

A lot of council tenants in Douglas and commissioners' tenants elsewhere have cottoned on to it.

They've worked out the most important bills to pay.


1. Sky (they will cut you off if you don't pay)

2. Mobile phone

3. Landline

4. Electricity

5. Gas

6. Water (the Water Board NEVER cuts anyone off).

7. Rent


Of course, a lot more council and commissioners' tenants are honest, hard-working and bill-paying. But there is a significant number who just never pay.

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exactly..what is being done about the rent arrears...the Corpy minutes don't say...so best guess is the enforcement officer isn't enforcing hard enough...or there is some nambypamby decision maker holding him back...or the rent arrears are being managed cos they are otherwise political trouble...

Listen, numpty: Why don't you ask the people at the corpy your burning questions, instead of annoying everyone even further?


Douglas Corporation

Housing Manager

Town Hall

Ridgeway Street


Isle of Man

+ 44 (0) 1624 623021


They even have one of these fancy websites that are so hip these days: clicky


There is no word in the German or English language to describe you - you're definitely a special case of madness....

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