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Is Douglas The Right Venue For A Monthly Farmer's Market..


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  • 2 weeks later...

a good item on BBC2 Newsnight tonight all about prince Charles visiting 50 Cumbrian farmers who have each put £2,000 up to fund the development of an added value processing plant for meat products....its called Junction 38...why can't the IOM farmers get off there bacsides and do something like that?


..I heard a couple on MR on Sunday bleating away as usual that its not up to them..there isn't a big enough catchment here for a farmers market...they can't sell their own livestock as meat...its always the fault of someone else etc....


I say take away the farming subsidies...and give the money to the NHS..Does Phil gawne have the radical ideas that are needed or is he in the pockets of giving taxpayersa handouts to a group of failing has beens...



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shows what those with flair and innovation can do...

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a good item on BBC2 Newsnight tonight all about prince Charles visiting 50 Cumbrian farmers who have each put £2,000 up to fund the development of an added value processing plant for meat products....its called Junction 38...why can't the IOM farmers get off there bacsides and do something like that?


..I heard a couple on MR on Sunday bleating away as usual that its not up to them..there isn't a big enough catchment here for a farmers market...they can't sell their own livestock as meat...its always the fault of someone else etc....


I say take away the farming subsidies...and give the money to the NHS..Does Phil gawne have the radical ideas that are needed or is he in the pockets of giving taxpayersa handouts to a group of failing has beens...



This link:-


shows what those with flair and innovation can do...

I listened to the same programme on MR on Sunday. I do think that a farmers' market won't do alot if it cannot sell meat; there is only a limited range of veg that the IOM produces well. I would be very interested if the market could sell the "sub-standard" cuts of meat that are being sold in Liverpool at lower prices than we can buy at here!


Nothing wrong with a poor cut of meat, just give it a good stew and you have really tasty meal. But to make a stew with meat sold here, you really feel hard of commiting it to the slow pot when the price has dictated that you should really be thinking of roues and little chef's hats to put on the end of the bones.

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if the farmers won't come to you, why not phone a few and get off your backside and go to them.


Try buying spuds and carrots by the sack, but learn how to keep them the old fashioned way in the dark in a cool place like the garage, don't go putting them in the fridge !


Don't expect out of season stuff, but take advantage of things when they are available and freeze or stew fruit etc. when it is plentiful.


The problem with meat is the EC, yet places in uk seem to be able to still use local abattoirs so we get the s**ty end of the stick again !


Fruit and veg doesn't always come the same size like in m&s, but real stuff has taste. There was mention in a report recently about the levels of minerals etc in food having crashed over the last decade, then you wonder why there are shops selling vitamin pills :huh:


there are some farms who sell an off-white liquid in recyclable glass containers but you do have to shake it up to mix in the strange yellow stuff that rises to the top, unlike the stuff which comes in cardboard bricks or plastic jugs ;-)

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I'd like to know why a supposed Manxman always refers to any distance in kilometres!


Because kilometres, like celcius, kilograms and litres makes a lot more sense than yards/miles, fahrenheit, pounds and pints/gallons. Kids at schools today are taught in metres and kilometres it's just the older generation who prefer to use an antiquated system which is non-decimal and confusing for the rest of the world. Much easier to remember that 1000 metres = 1km than remembering how ever many yards are in a mile.


Last time I checked, the road signs on this island showed distances in miles and my car and every other one I have come across over here shows speed and mileage travelled in miles per hour / miles.



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  • 1 month later...

I see from IOM EX page 23 a piece about organic produce and the Manx Organic Network. It says its "research shows that the organic market is growing fastest at farm gates, farmers markets and vegetable box schemes where the middleman is excluded".


I am told however there isn't any vegetable box scheme actually running on the IOM..or is there? does anyone know of one?


As for Farmers Markets does that mean Alan Moore from down Fisher's Hill way doing his stall once a week at St Johns on a Thursday 2-4pm?? - hardly a market - where are the rest of the (alledgedly "hard up") farmers???

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