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Aa Gill: Bitingly Honest, Or Brutally Offensive?


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Don't know if this has been covered on here or not - couldn't find a thread.


AA Gill reviewed Ciapellis in the Sunday Times last week. The restaurant got a good write up, but the rest of what he said about the Isle of Man was not so positive:




Our MHK's have responded in style:




So, is he bitingly honest about the place, or just using it as an excuse to make cheap jokes?


It made me laugh, I'll be honest!

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That BBC link says it all, really:


"Some people know the piece is obviously tongue in cheek and that's AA Gill's style of writing but some people have been quite seriously offended."




Some people know the piece is obviously tongue in cheek, but some people are utter idiots who are apparently incapable of not taking everything they read as the absolute truth.


Gill's review does not damage the island's reputation, it's the ridiculous missing-of-the-point and ill-informed knee-jerk reaction of certain intellectually-challenged locals that'll do that.

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If you find offence from this you must be up your own arse.


This is funny not nasty its only the government who have kicked up a stink.


Its all true what he says i see Benny women all the time, the isle of man is just like the sketch the fast show did.


I think the isle of man sells less razors per head per population because the women over here don't shave there top lip lol

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Gill's review does not damage the island's reputation, it's the ridiculous missing-of-the-point and ill-informed knee-jerk reaction of certain intellectually-challenged locals that'll do that.


I just think he is lucky to have a job doing what he does. As a writer he is a journeyman as a satirist he's woefully inadequate (IMHO)

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The chap Speller who writes a bit in the Manx Independent was very critical and a tad bitchy about the piece.


My that must be heart-breaking for Gill.


To be condemned by the public is one thing. To be attacked by a puffed up local dignitary is grist to the mill. But for a humourous columnist to be criticised by the World's Worst Humourous Columnist is something else.

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