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Condie Vs Blondie?


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2008 is the year of the next US presidential election. Thankfully there's no chance of George W Bush staying on to piss off the world unless they change the constitution just for him. No big name politicians have confirmed they're running for the top job yet but people are already speculating about who may suceed Dubya.


It seems that the favourites so far are Hillary Rodman/Clinton (Democrat) and Dr. Condoleezza Rice (Republican). Both women are big names in the USA and the rest of the world. Hillary is known for her work with charities, the third world and for her years as Bill No Trousers Clinton's First Lady and recently as Senator for New York state. Condoleezza is well known for being the former National Security adviser, present Secretary of State as well as being a leading academic and top-class pianist (and starting university at the age of 15).


If Blondie wins we will get the first female and the first former first lady president.

If Condie wins we will get the first female and the first African-American president.


Neither woman has confirmed their candidacy yet though most don't do so until around a year before the race. Either way it seems that a female president is possible and that if elected either woman would be intelligent (unlike the ape currently in charge).


Who would you choose: Condie or Bondie?


BBC News: Warrior Princess to the White House


Wikipedia: 2008 US Election


* I use 'we' to refer to US politics because, although not American the choice of US president affects the whole world. I use the terms 'Condie' and 'Blondie' as they seem to be popular nicknames for the possible candidates *

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