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Car Seats For Children


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I read somewhere today that in the UK after 1 May it will be illegal to let a child under either 11 years old or 5ft tall to travel in a car without using a car seat. In an ideal world I would have car seats for all 3 of mine. Unfortunately our car isn't big enough to accommodate them so at the moment we only one for the baby. Does anybody know if Tynwald has, or is going to, introduce a similar law?

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From the Mothercare web site


Children up to 11 still need child seats


Currently the law allows children over the age of 3 to travel without an appropriate restraint. As a result, 63% of parents stop using car seats by the time their child is 6, and 74% of 10-11 year olds travel without a car seat. (Source Department of Transport News Release 2004/2005.)


But the law is about to change - by May 2006 it will be illegal to let a child under 11 travel without a car seat. Children under 5ft/150cm tall (approx. 11 years old) aren’t sufficiently developed to travel without a child car seat or booster seat. Using an adult seat belt before a child is sufficiently developed may put them at higher risk of internal injury, particularly if the belt does not fit properly across the pelvis.

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That is properly bonkers! Totally unenforcable too.


Imagine if you have a child's party at the NSC or someting - no more giving a lift to the other kids - every parent will have to take their own child, in their own child seat. Yet another example of the ridiculous laws getting brought in all over the place.

and good point nitro-car!

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I presume it hasn't been legislated here yet then if nobody has heard of it. I just came across it this morning when I opened my Babyword e-mail newsletter.


Slightly off topic though, but maybe buses should be fitted with seatbelts - some of the drivers go like the clappers!

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Agree about buses!


Minnie - fair enough, but can you not see the problems ie the scenario above when giving lifts to kids etc?


I gave my brother (8) a lift home the other day from the NSC, along with his friend - I have no car seats, but they were both seatbelted in, but that would be illegal?! Put them all on the bus instead eh? :rolleyes:


Not every parent even has a car - they rely on lifts from family, friends, taxis or buses! will taxis be required to have car seats or is that ok? Will we see taxis refusing any family with more than one child due to only carrying one car seat?!


Life is full of dangers, make guidelines for travelling, yes, but laws? no.

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I presume it hasn't been legislated here yet then if nobody has heard of it. I just came across it this morning when I opened my Babyword e-mail newsletter.


Slightly off topic though, but maybe buses should be fitted with seatbelts - some of the drivers go like the clappers!


I'am surprised about buses not already having seatbelts, The problem is if they were fitted most people wouldn't wear one anyway.

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I'm all for safety of children in cars, of course, but I do not see how a booster seat is going to make a child safer, surely the lap part of the belt will cross the same part of the child's body whether they are in a booster seat or not? I would have thought the dangerous bit of the seatbelt for children is the diagonal across the throat and chest.


On the topic of buses, don't coaches/minibuses have to have seatbelts now but not buses? What's even worse is people being allowed to stand on a bus. Have you ever seen how they pack kids from the high schools onto the school buses? Even sudden breaking could have them hurtling through the bus like skittles.

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I'm all for safety of children in cars, of course, but I do not see how a booster seat is going to make a child safer, surely the lap part of the belt will cross the same part of the child's body whether they are in a booster seat or not? I would have thought the dangerous bit of the seatbelt for children is the diagonal across the throat and chest.

The whole point in booster seats is to put the child in a raised position so that the belt fits in a correct and safe way. As I understand, the lap part should be across the hip bone area, not the stomach, so raising a child up slightly will put the lap belt in that correct position - it will go up and over rather than just across the stomach.

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  • 6 months later...

From Manx Radio web site . . .


New child safety laws

Posted on the 15 August 2006 09:31:56


New laws to make children safer in cars will come into force in the UK from next month.


From September the 18th, a number of new measures will be introduced, citing how child restraints, such as seatbelts, should be installed in cars and goods vehicles.


Although the laws are not yet applicable in the Island, the Department of Transport is advising motorists to be aware of, and abide by the changes.


They are listed in full on the website - think.roadsfaety.org.uk

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