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Avian Flu . . . . We're All Going To Die


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Will it be as bad as the millenium bug :unsure:

Sorry guys, i was being a knob and taking the urine, But i do find it hard to take dire warnings seriously these days, we are bombarded with the old " eat this and it will kill you, do this and you will die" every day now and there is more than one boy crying wolf,

We should start a thread named scare of the day!


But seriously Charles, how many people do you think plain flu kills annualy? i have heard some large figures quoted.

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Will it be as bad as the millenium bug :unsure:

Sorry guys, i was being a knob and taking the urine, But i do find it hard to take dire warnings seriously these days, we are bombarded with the old " eat this and it will kill you, do this and you will die" every day now and there is more than one boy crying wolf,

We should start a thread named scare of the day!


But seriously Charles, how many people do you think plain flu kills annualy? i have heard some large figures quoted.


The figures I have heard about ordinary flu relate to England And Wales. In the years between 1968 and 1977 12,000 deaths per annum occurred and there was 26,000 in the severe epidemic of 1989.


Estimates for Avian flu in the UK in a pandemic are from 60,000 - 650,000 deaths. IOM equivalents 80 -800.


This of course you would agree is serious. I have no idea if the experts are correct but this is what they are predicting. As you say we have had so many scares that we do not know what to believe anymore but I do believe this is a real one. Hope I am wrong, and you are right!

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I often wonder where the pundits get there figures from, admitadly i am not as aware as you are but actual deaths in Asia seem very minor compared to the estimated figures for the UK. Am i missing something?



The present deaths are just a precursor. 150 people been infected world wide so far because of close contact with infected poultry. It is when the virus mutates and is able to spread from human to human which experts think will happen that the devastation of a pandemic really starts.

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All that remains now is for someone to tell us that its man made by the CIA in Langley and it will tick all the boxes for the red tops to anounce that we are all doomed.


On a serious note i feel this climate of fear, that pervades society now, is deliberatly developed by our news media then greedily used by those who gain advantage by it. Wether it be the PM with WMD or some researcher scrambling for a grant, nothing moves papers like a scare story, true or otherwise it hardly seems to matter.

Me? i just skip over the stories and stuff em.

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All that remains now is for someone to tell us that its man made by the CIA in Langley and it will tick all the boxes for the red tops to anounce that we are all doomed.


On a serious note i feel this climate of fear, that pervades society now, is deliberatly developed by our news media then greedily used by those who gain advantage by it. Wether it be the PM with WMD or some researcher scrambling for a grant, nothing moves papers like a scare story, true or otherwise it hardly seems to matter.

Me? i just skip over the stories and stuff em.



I know what you mean. My wife never reads the news in the papers ever....just does the cross words.

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Several things occur to me about this current scaremongering:


Firstly, whatever happened to SARS? That was to be a massive pandemic threatening the health of the worldwide population. Where is it now? Remember the early warnings of AIDS and how that would be a disease that would decimate the population? Sure, its bad now, but it is not in the league the experts predicted.


Secondly, we have become so used to being able to fight just about any infectious disease, that the hint of any infection for which we do not have a cure or vaccine fills us with complete dread. A few decades ago, mortality rates were much higher and death, often premature by our standards, was a part of life.


Lastly, rather than wring hands and say how terrible it is all going to be, it would be better if the experts could just be honest and admit that this is an unknown quantity in all respects (it hasn't mutated yet, so who can say whether the mutation can be cured or not, nor how virulent and pervasive it will prove to be).


Give us the assurance that the best brains and resources are watching the situation ready to move proactively when the situation indicates that action is needed, rather than running around from press conference to press conference screaming "We're all going to die!". I don't want to stick my head in the sand and ignore the threats, but I would be more confident if the experts gave the feeling that they have, as far as they can in these circumstances, got a handle on the situation.

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Several things occur to me about this current scaremongering:


Firstly, whatever happened to SARS? That was to be a massive pandemic threatening the health of the worldwide population. Where is it now? Remember the early warnings of AIDS and how that would be a disease that would decimate the population? Sure, its bad now, but it is not in the league the experts predicted.


Secondly, we have become so used to being able to fight just about any infectious disease, that the hint of any infection for which we do not have a cure or vaccine fills us with complete dread. A few decades ago, mortality rates were much higher and death, often premature by our standards, was a part of life.


Lastly, rather than wring hands and say how terrible it is all going to be, it would be better if the experts could just be honest and admit that this is an unknown quantity in all respects (it hasn't mutated yet, so who can say whether the mutation can be cured or not, nor how virulent and pervasive it will prove to be).


Give us the assurance that the best brains and resources are watching the situation ready to move proactively when the situation indicates that action is needed, rather than running around from press conference to press conference screaming "We're all going to die!". I don't want to stick my head in the sand and ignore the threats, but I would be more confident if the experts gave the feeling that they have, as far as they can in these circumstances, got a handle on the situation.



I agree with your sentiments but I think the problem that we have is the time, if a pandemic happens, that we cannot be protected by a vaccine - either becuse it has not been produced - even the genetic ones take time to come into production- or the fact not enough is available for all sorts of reasons. This will affect the advanced nations just as badly as those in the Third World.


We have been fortunate with AIDS as anti-retroviral drugs are now available. If they hadn't been the death rates would have been much higher - as they have in Africa because of the shortage of availability.


The Press of course sell more with bad news so it suits them to scream.

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Dear Charles


Although forum etiquette is only in its infancy, it is not normally necessary to keep quoting the post directly before your's all the time. Most folk will pick up that you are repling to the previous post in the thread.


An example of an exception to this is when someone makes a post that they may retract in soberness or in a less heated moment. Then it is real good fun to quote it in your post for all to see before the blighter tries to edit it out.


Anything that makes your posts less irritating has got to be a good thing.

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