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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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The UK is debating a bill which will make the incitement to religious hatred illegal.


Racial and Religious Hatred Bill


At the same time this is being debated Denmark has been embroiled in troubles after a newspaper published a series of cartoons which some Muslims have claimed are disrespectful to Muhammed.


Check them out for yourself at:

Danish Cartoons


What do people think ... the cartoons have resulted in gunmen burning the Danish flag and threatening Danish nationals in the Occupied Territories.


Were the cartoonists inciting hatred in their portrayal of a religious figure as a terrorist?


Should it be illegal to incite religious hatred as inciting racist hatred currently is?

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Some of the cartoons look a little risque - like portraying Christ as George W Bush, Hitler or some other monster. Many christians wouldn't like that but it's considered OK in christianity to depict pictures of Christ - it's not the same in islam.


Burning Danish flags is going too far though. But at the end of the day a flag is just a flag unless you're American when it can really hurt one's feelings.

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Have a skeet at this, it comes from a Canadian Naval officer assigned to NATO who saw action in the initial invasion. He has links to the IOM and he assures me it is correct,


Subject: U.S. Navy Directive 16134


The following directive was issued by the commanding officer of a naval installation somewhere in the Middle East, and it was obviously directed at the Marines.


To: All Commands


Subject: Inappropriate T-Shirts


Ref: ComMidEastFor Inst 16134//24 K


1. All commanders promulgate upon receipt.


2.The following T-shirts are no longer to be worn on or off base by any military or civilian personnel serving in the Middle East:


"Eat Pork Or Die" [both English and Arabic versions]


"Shrine Busters" [Various. Show burning minarets or bomb/artillery shells impacting Islamic shrines. Some with unit logos.]


"Napalm, Sticks Like Crazy" [both English and Arabic versions]


"Goat - it isn't just for breakfast any more". [both English and Arabic versions]


"The road to Paradise begins with me." [Mostly Arabic versions but some in English. Some show sniper scope cross-hairs]


"Guns don't kill people. I kill people". [both Arabic and English versions]


"Pork. The other white meat". [Arabic version]


"Infidel" [English, Arabic and other coalition force languages.]


3.The above tee shirts will be removed from base exchanges upon receipt of this directive.


4.The following signs are to be removed upon receipt of this message:


"Islamic Religious Services Will Be Held at the Firing Range At 0800 Daily."


"Do we really need 'smart bombs' to drop on these dumb bastards?"


5. All commands are instructed to implement sensitivity training upon receipt.


Now im not a fan of USA foreign policy but i dont blame the grunts, i can see how gallows humour in their situation can help ease the stress, so i dont think badly of them.


Would anyone punish a marine in a war zone for wearing an innappropriate t shirt? not me boss

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I'd hope that any moron who wears a t-shirt with one of those messages would be kicked out of the army. They're deeply offensive and completely inappropriate.


Well if you don't want people wearing those sort of T.shirts you might as well ban "she wants me" t.shirts and "Kiss me quick" hats.


Would anyone punish a marine in a war zone for wearing an innappropriate t shirt? not me boss


Me either.




Now back on thread.


If they ban cartoons like those they'll surely have to ban the flintstones, on the grounds of being racist towards cavemen and Popeye and his wife Olive as that's being racist to sailors and their wives. Oh and the Simpsons (because there yellow)and that's being racist to yellow Americans, and, and Bugs bunny as that's being racist to Elmer Fudd type rabbit hunters.

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I think it's a little different. The quote is deeply offensive and provocitive. It's be like a t-shirt saying "Christians should die".


LOL, You think people don't wear T.shirts saying that. It's just like saying ban "I hate Hippies" T.Shirts.

The principles are the same.


I don't think it's provocative at all.

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The point i was trying to make, badly im afraid was that given the circumstances of their position, i could give them some slack. If though the same were worn in Strand Street then Cheesy would apply.


Dont know why but it seems right to me.

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don't think they should be banned; at least not in denmark. I'm quite impressed with the arabic response- seems like a major danish company has had a big boycott in the middle east- I know there were violent threats in gaza and probably elsewhere but you can't complain at hitting people who you object to in the pocket when it's done as collectively as that.

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I'd hope that any moron who wears a t-shirt with one of those messages would be kicked out of the army. They're deeply offensive and completely inappropriate.

Now this IS a joke. They're completely inappropriate? To someone who kills for a living? (sorry). Just how in that circumstance can anything be "inappropriate"? You could have your name on the front and apparently anything on the back. I've seen "Hired Gun", "Watch Your 6 Not Mine", "F*** Troop", "War Is A Dying Business", "Natural Selection" and my favourite "Nothing Sucks Like A Chest Wound".


It's all gung-ho bravado and to me one of the differences between the US and UK forces.


So how does it go? "You're headed for a war zone where some of you will die, however that doesn't mean you should wear an inappropriate T".


Get real.

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I think it's a little different. The quote is deeply offensive and provocitive. It's be like a t-shirt saying "Christians should die".

A friend of mine was arrested in Port Erin after a complaint about his t-shirt, it said "Jesus Was A Cunt" in huge white letters on the back (I think it was a Cradle of Filth t-shirt).


Seen many people wearing t-shirts of that type, and I have no problem with it. If we are to respect other's beliefs then why not respect the belief that Jesus was a lying cunt?


No I don't believe that religion should have the same protection as race. Religion is a joke, and we should be free to laugh at it. It's nothing like race.


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religious hatred? banning that is banning free thought, more than free speech. im a free man, and if i want to hate someone elses religion, then i will do.



and burning the danish flag is worse than burning the us flag. its sacred to them. in fact, burning the danish flag is tantamount to religious hatred, as the flag was allegedly left to the danish after a war between a demon and an angel ended; a piece of the angels robe was torn off, floated to earth and was stained with blood. swords landed on the cloth in such a way to leave a white cross amongst the red blood.



thats the myth, anyway.

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A friend of mine was arrested in Port Erin after a complaint about his t-shirt, it said "Jesus Was A Cunt" in huge white letters on the back (I think it was a Cradle of Filth t-shirt).


Seen many people wearing t-shirts of that type, and I have no problem with it. If we are to respect other's beliefs then why not respect the belief that Jesus was a lying cunt?


It was probably the word Cunt on the T-shirt, rather than any reference to Jesus, that was the cause of his arrest. Doub't if it would have made any difference if it said "I am a Cunt"

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