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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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Your words make me sad as they show just how much Islam is needed on your Island, especially by you and those like you.


The Island needs Islam like it needs Quo headlining at the TT festival ;)


Have you seen this




Vile bastards!


Oh and Muhammed's a cock! Mother Shipton rocks the prophecy world.




I don't know what the video has to do with anything but yes it is vile. Wasn't there a similar one that was shown on our channels not long ago, it was a bit like playschool with suicide bombers.

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I don't know what the video has to do with anything but



Not a lot, I was just tarring all Muslims with the same brush. :ph34r:



From this post here


Children getting drunk, carrying knives, disobeying their parents, young unmarried girls engaging in sex and giving birth to babies, women dishonoring themselves and their families, women taking a role in the affairs of man for which they are not fitted, killing by thugs, thefts, lies, dishonesty in trade, usury that has led to the economic disaster that is now facing the west, oh yes, what a good life it is that you lead.
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Wasn't there a similar one that was shown on our channels not long ago, it was a bit like playschool with suicide bombers.

Is this the one?



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Wasn't there a similar one that was shown on our channels not long ago, it was a bit like playschool with suicide bombers.

Is this the one?




Are these custom made or a new range in children's clothing stores? I suppose it shows how desperate things are in that part of the world. It is sad that children are indoctrinated in this way

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Perhaps its time to consider a local version of the ‘dhimmis’ - a special tax and agreement to a long list of strict conditions which is sometimes imposed on non-Muslims in Islamic states.


If the government did that it would be harder to call the country liberal, and liberalism is supposed to be one of the principal tenets of the country. Though why would we do so anyway?

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If you want examples of the justice of Islamic rule - well try out these little ones for starters:


Woman condemed to death for witchcraft


US Business woman arrested strip searched - her crime - Visiting Starbucks with Male Colleague


Journalist condemed to death for downloading and passing on to students material relating to the role of women in Islamic societies


The trouble is with this sort of thing is that it just turns into a slagging match, but the Old Goats characterizations of manx society don't ring true to me - of course there are problems, but his obsession with morality and purity to me show a slanted view.


Now I hope Islamic law isn't a barbaric, mysogenistic, cruel system of social control - maybe these examples are unfair - but I feel that there are many more Islamic Scholars calling for a return to the good old days than attempting to adjust their jurisprudence to a society without beheadings, stonings and superstitons about Djinn and which allows women a role beyond the household - independent, free to make her own choices and contribute equally to work and life.

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The trouble is with this sort of thing is that it just turns into a slagging match, but the Old Goats characterizations of manx society don't ring true to me - of course there are problems, but his obsession with morality and purity to me show a slanted view.


I personally don't even buy into the argument that greater religious power in the U.K. and the Isle of Man is needed to remedy such problems as alcohol and drug abuse, theft, lies, carrying knives, and dishonesty in trade. Religion is not the answer. As for the other so-called problems of pregnancies outside of wedlock, women taking a greater role in society, dishonouring of families, and disobedience of children, etc., Islam is simply used as an excuse for oppression. Though that is not ignore the fact that in other ways male chauvinism and sexism are very prevalent in British society.

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Islam is not intolerant of things other than the intolerable.


The "intolerable" in this case includes the equality of women and non-muslims with muslim men


Islam does not exclude people living in Islamic lands and who chose to practice religions, there is no compunction regarding religion in Islam. Various choices exist.


Yes, you can choose to accept Islam and be a full member of society, or you can choose to be non-muslim and live out your life as a second class citizen.


As to being where we belong, we belong wherever Allah has led us and enabled us to be.


It is by the will of Almighty Allah that we have been shown the path to the new lands to which we are bringing Islam?


Allah didn't enable you to live in these new lands, liberal democracy and a belief in immigration policy that is blind to the religion of those who seek live and work in them did. You are here by the grace of modern secular thinking and the demands of economics, more than the will of Allah. It's also interesting that when asked why you're here, your first answer was "for work" - in other words you enter the den of the non-believer not to spread the word of Allah and strengthen the influence of Islam upon these lands, but primarly to profit and take advantage of opportunities that are presumably lacking in righteous Islamic lands, and maybe rattle off a few ineffectual posts about how one day Islam will rule the world on an internet forum. How virtuous a fellow you are; chasing a payslip across the world with but an occassional and feeble nod to your duties along the way.


I can understand the offence caused by the cartoons, and they weren't even that good, but veiled threats about Muslim duty to respond to such offence in any way that's seen fit and grandiose visions of an Islamic world order aren't going to get you anywhere. The more you demand and predict the submission of the west to Islam, the more you appear in the eyes of many to justify the tabloid caricature of Muslims as insensible zealots, and hence the more you encourage resistance and close mindedness towards your ideas and feelings.

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I was wondering Old Goat, if you care to answer my question about why you, a scholar of medieval language and culture chose to live in Holland? Was it for a better payslip? Or, are you a horny old goat? Or is there some other reason? Also, you say more and more people are turning to Islam. I haven't met anyone who wants to give up their bacon butties for that reason, have you?

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I can understand the offence caused by the cartoons, and they weren't even that good, but veiled threats about Muslim duty to respond to such offence in any way that's seen fit and grandiose visions of an Islamic world order aren't going to get you anywhere. The more you demand and predict the submission of the west to Islam, the more you appear in the eyes of many to justify the tabloid caricature of Muslims as insensible zealots, and hence the more you encourage resistance and close mindedness towards your ideas and feelings.

the old goat - I, and I think the majority of people agree share this viewpoint. Rather than looking to settle the dispute in a peaceful and harmonious way which would have had much support, one finds what seem like veiled threats, hotheads and rabble rousers formenting tension and conflict by this aggressive posturing. Most people find that intolerable and are intolerant of that - and, as VinnieK points out, many now see Islam in that way. If this is testing the sword, I'd say that this kind of sword is dull, dirty and rusty - and certainly not very sharp.


How then would you answer if it was put that it is you and others like you who bring disrespect upon Islam?

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If you don't like it there's.....................


I’ve heard that said more than once.



Why does that not surprise me? I thought you were a wind up merchant to start with. Now it bothers me that you actually believe what you've posted which is much more scary.


As for your comment:-


If ever ther was a place that was in need of what Islam has for a people then the Isle of Man is one of the most needy


That really made me laugh. It looks like your one of those people (of any religion) that are so blinkered that they want to drag the stone age with them from country to country as they travel. No experiencing different cultures for you, just decrying what you see when you go somewhere new because its not what you are used to and its a little too racy for your tastes. Its pretty sad and pretty pathetic.


Why do you bother travelling if other countries disgust you so much ... oh yes ... probably for the money


(Although I suppose lots of people move to the Netherlands for the prozzies)

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Your words make me sad as they show just how much Islam is needed on your Island, especially by you and those like you.

and who gives u god given right to say what the ppl of the isle of man need, and more so what i need,



It also makes me sad that in trying to explain why the offensive pictures are offensive and doubly so by now being repeated in the face of full knowledge of the offence, and then answering some perfectly valid questions I have been faced with insult.


while u may have explained that, not sure cause most of the time u were telling us we should join islam and we fubared with out it, and we all going to live unhappy for ever, unless we join,

so most of the time u were just spoting utter crap,


you know what the island needs less nutters like you, less ppl talking out of there ass, telling us what and who we should join,

the fact of the matter is,

you could have come on here explained to us why the cartoons are offensive, put the point across from your view, a diffrent perspective,


and you know what i would say most ppl would prob have listerned ask a few quastions about it and learned from you,

and that way you could have shown us that not all of allahs ppl are murdering scumbags, but normal ppl just like u me them and us, but who just happen to follow a diffrent way of life,


but no u have to rant on about how crap we are,

so in my mind all you done is made me see that maybe you lot are a load of nutters, thats how it comes across from where im sitting, because all u see in the news and papers is you lot killing ppl,

this was your place to maybe let us see that this is not what happins,


if there does happin to be more follows on the island please come and share your view on here,

id like to hear them, and prove me wrong of the above statment, id be glad to be wrong on it,


and you know what i love the isle of man and the people in it, and i woulden want it to change, so why should you,

so we have our problems in life, it be a dull place with out them

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