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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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Wow - we've had some troubling God-botherers on this Forum, but I have to say this is particular one is confirming the worst stereotype of a utopian zealot who will justify violence and coercion against people who have an alternative view point. Genuinely frightening.


Or an extremely good wind up ?


However, if it isn't a wind up I agree with you 100%.

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A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:


Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

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A Reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:


Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."


I was just thinking that there's something about old goat's post that reminded me of the Life of Brian


Yes, beheading a confessed witch is a required act in Sha’ia. It is not a matter of a witch having actual power, it is in that professing to be a witch she might cause another Muslim to consider that there might be another God than Allah, therein lies the capital sin that must be punished.


Wonder if it mentions anything about swallows and coconuts?

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Wow - we've had some troubling God-botherers on this Forum, but I have to say this is particular one is confirming the worst stereotype of a utopian zealot who will justify violence and coercion against people who have an alternative view point. Genuinely frightening.


Aye, though it's a position that's ultimately built on no small measure of insecurity and wishful thinking. On the one hand Islam is apparently so attractive and powerful a religion that even as we speak bazillions of Europeans are happily skipping their way to the local mosque for the first time; but on the other its appeal is so weak, it's virtues, righteousness and benefits so ill defined and intangiable that apostates and people claiming they're witches must be exterminated due to the apparently very real danger they'll tempt Muslims away from their religion.


Ultimately I'd say that the real threat posed by the kind of Islam preached here by The Old Goat is not that it will some day consume Europe. Despite all the bluster conversions typically account for roughly 1% of the total European muslim population, and he fails to recognise that not all Muslims are demented armchair despots eager to hack parts off anyone wearing a pointy hat. The real threat is that his flavour of Islam will be given undue prominance in the public perception of all muslims and will, when combined with the currently growing anxieties about immigration and identity, risk helping the far right attract people to its cause and instigate a backlash against the Islamic communities.


The central problem with his predictions are that they rely upon a view of Europe as an entirely passive entity. His cultural arrogance and ignorance conjours up a view of Europe as a void into which Islam can and will expand, when in reality there is mounting resistance and antipathy towards Europe's immigrant population. Ironically, many of the social ills The Old Goat raises as reasons for Europe's eventual embrace of Islam are in fact often blamed directly or indirectly upon immigrants themselves - crime being a prime example, but also there are those out there who are content to blame immigrant populations for unemployment, a percieved deterioration of strained public services, a breakdown in community spirit, and all the social ills that are seen as a consequence of these factors. I stress that these are not views I hold or approve of myself, but the fact is that they exist, and The Old Goat and those of a similar mind risk playing right into the hands of those who might wish to exploit those attitudes for their own gain.

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I once worked with an arab institution and had some good friends amongst the people working there - from several different ME countries. I found them to be nice people no different from us. It struck me at the time that their religion probably ran deeper within them on a daily basis more so than ours does but not to any detriment and I liked that. Their conduct engendered in me a respect for Islam. Having said, this pillock here has singlehandedly done his professed faith a great diservice by his unaldulterated biggoted ranting. A great shame that the wisdom, learning and scholarship of classical arabia and it's contribution to the world should be debased by association with this narrow minded, judgemental, intolerant crap.


As was said.......

God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind
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but on the other its appeal is so weak, it's virtues, righteousness and benefits so ill defined and intangiable that apostates and people claiming they're witches must be exterminated due to the apparently very real danger they'll tempt Muslims away from their religion.


Yes, Muslim men must be very weak if a witch can temp them to consider other religions and women not covered from head to toe can temp them into impure thoughts or deeds


Ultimately I'd say that the real threat posed by the kind of Islam preached here by The Old Git


Old Goat, not Old Git, please :)

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Which is why you kill them....


I'm not about to come out in support of the religious nutter here, but suggesting all muslims are murderers is bang out of order. Millions of people peacably follow religion, it's only a very small proportion that turn into extremists and would kill for it.

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but on the other its appeal is so weak, it's virtues, righteousness and benefits so ill defined and intangiable that apostates and people claiming they're witches must be exterminated due to the apparently very real danger they'll tempt Muslims away from their religion.


Yes, Muslim men must be very weak if a witch can temp them to consider other religions and women not covered from head to toe can temp them into impure thoughts or deeds


Ultimately I'd say that the real threat posed by the kind of Islam preached here by The Old Git


Old Goat, not Old Git, please :)


Damn! I was conscious of the potential to make that typo all through these posts as well, and still I made it. Sorry - will change the original now

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Ah if only our lives could have an edit button..........

anyway back to topic

I'm not about to come out in support of the religious nutter here, but suggesting all muslims are murderers is bang out of order. Millions of people peacably follow religion, it's only a very small proportion that turn into extremists and would kill for it.

Too right, problem being is that the extremists try to taint the rest by their actions and thus perpetuate their lies. And they get the headlines as a result.

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Which is why you kill them....


I'm not about to come out in support of the religious nutter here, but suggesting all muslims are murderers is bang out of order. Millions of people peacably follow religion, it's only a very small proportion that turn into extremists and would kill for it.

Did I post all muslims are murderers? Errrr no. I'm sure some are perfectly reasonable and don't even treat their wives as chattels!


Unfortunately when religious nutters leading entire countries of millions of muslims issue death sentences on infidels the general populace doesn't seem to object - funny that. I guess it's because it's apparently written into the Koran. You know, that's the book that is supposed to guide the way they live their lives.

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I am concerned that The Horny Old Goat of Amsterdam is in fact a right wing nutter trying to stir up a paranoid reaction. Having said that, deranged fanatics often make similar claims - if its not militant Islam that's going to take over the world it's Scientology, or Born Again Christianity. Actually, it is Logic that has swept the world and that will ultimately either prove Islam correct :lol: and if not, sweep it away.


When your whole life is defined in narrow terms, be it your religion, language, flag, race, politics, class, sexual preferences, or whatever, you become at best a bore, and at worst a dangerous fanatic. I enjoy the cut and thrust of open debate on these forums - but, as, Old Goat, you think it is OK to execute witches, amongst other bizarre and dangerous beliefs, I will not be reading any more of your posts. Furthermore, I hearby curse anyone who allows themselves to read anymore of your drivel to a week of self righteous, misogynistic studying of medieval Arabic followed by a further week of genital mutilating, pyjama wearing, camel jockying, and comedy-beard-with-no-moustache growing, with no ale, pictures of living things, bacon butties, music, or dance allowed.

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In case anyone was thinking that the Manx had never had any contact with Islam until recently, here are a couple of links:


This one - Islam and Us is mostly about Scotland, but it is worth noting that the coin finds in Skye date from the Kingdom of the Isles era, as do Gaelic translations of Arabic medical knowledge of a similar vintage (in the Book of Deer I think).


This one about the famous Scouse/Manx Abdullah Quilliam.

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In case anyone was thinking that the Manx had never had any contact with Islam until recently, here are a couple of links:


This one - Islam and Us is mostly about Scotland, but it is worth noting that the coin finds in Skye date from the Kingdom of the Isles era, as do Gaelic translations of Arabic medical knowledge of a similar vintage (in the Book of Deer I think).


This one about the famous Scouse/Manx Abdullah Quilliam.


Good on you. I was looking for Abdullah Quilliam links to post here last night, it seemed a logical fit.


A scouser and a moslem. One wonders when he nicked something did he feel like chopping his own hand off? :lol:

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