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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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Sounds like any other religion to me - believe the bits that you need to in order to get through your day and stay part of the club. Ignore the bits that you can't get around and say 'well, it obviously wasn't meant to be interpreted that way'. To me it has the hand of man all over it, not the hand of god.


What you describe could not ever be a Muslim.

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Now Bin Laden is getting in on the game!


New York Times


I wonder what this means:


“Let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God.”


Bin Laden's messenger of God - can't imagine he's a particularly nice man - in fact he's probably genocidal. Death to the image makers hey! What a lovely religion.

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I wonder what this means:

“Let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God.”


Probably pissed.


If he has to hide in his cave issuing death threats to all and sundry, couldn't he use modern language?


Eg I'm gonna bust a cap in your ass motherf*cker etc.


At the moment, all his deranged ramblings sound like a pompous twat from a Dickens novel.


He'd also gain a bit more credibility if he actually did something himself as opposed to hiding in a hole and telling others what to do ( and how to die )

Still that's the cowards way.

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I still really don't get it. The basis for the problem with the cartoons seems to be the prohibition of making images of living creatures. Rather than have a go at the Danish, why not start closer to home - with the people who take the photos and videos of Bin Laden and Ayatollahs - but oddly they don't seem to have a problem with that and even encourage it.


Maybe it's 'God wills it' stuff again - i.e. harsh rules that apply but those who 'know' God's will can disapply it whenever they like - mainly for themselves - a lot in common with animal farm.

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I will explain the words of Sheik Osama bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Laden with a translation that is beyond a simple translation in order to express the meaning contained within the structure of what The Sheik said.


“Let our mothers bereave us if we do not make victorious our messenger of God”


You would probably better understand the meaning if it were written


“Let our very mothers who love us so very much disown us and treat us as though we were dead if we do not do what we must do to discharge our holy responsibility to take revenge for the insult to Allah’s prophet (SAW)”


My work on your Island is at an end and I return to my temporary home in Holland this week, not to return.


In the time I have been on your Island I discovered a very pretty little Island.


I would very much have liked to see Douglas Promenade façade before it was destroyed in the manner that it has been, the photographs that I have seen show a very remarkable frontage that slightly resembles the architecture of Eastbourne, but with a seascape more like that of Naples.


Unfortunately the place is more than its appearance.



Enjoy your Island, it is plainly the way that you like it or you would not have it so. Your way is not mine.

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So you've made your money out of our island and are skipping off counting your gold as you go.

Go in peace.

Could at least say "Thanks"


I’ve made no money out of the Island, I was sent to undertake a commission that formed a part of the protection of the clients of my employer, I have done what I was requested to do. There is nothing to thank anyone on the Island for.

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You'll be missed.

I think he will. Regardless of how we feel about his views, at least it encouraged debate and occasionally raised it above the norm. The fact that most of us won't be swayed by his opinions is of little consequence. I wish him peace.

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Similar to the above - I found it useful to be exposed to the Old Goats ideas and views. May you go in peace, and remain peaceful - and that includes stoning witches and beheading cartoonists.


His beliefs were totally alien to me, but I have a feeling they are not so beyond the mainstream of the Muslim world.


I am intrigued by his statements about "Sheik" Bin Laden, I wonder what he thinks about George Bush's statement about Al Qaeda wanting Iraq to unite the Arabs to fight America, while the current reality is that Arabs have united with America to fight Al Qaeda.


There is more than a little rhetoric in the statement, but a little truth too - the intolerance and violence of the Al Qaeda aligned insurgents has alienated them from their host communities.


I wouldn't say these Arabs are strong allies of America, but many are now the enemies of Al Qaeda with blood feuds between Sunnis due to what Al Qaeda has done.

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A pity our friend chose to delete a substantial part of his post. The deleted part had some very interesting content.

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