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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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heres a paradox; i thought of this klast night whilst watching newsnight.


if i MUST repsect religious peoples' religion, then surely, they MUST respect my lack of respect for religion?






if incitement to religious hatred is illegal, then go the whole hog and ban religion. i cant hate religion if there isnt one to hate.

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If Mohammed appeared today on earth his photo would be on every front page and TV. Islam just seems to me stuck in the middle ages like Christianity was 500 years ago. Europe fought religous wars, deposed Kings and people were prepared to become martyrs for the Pope or Jesus. Fundementalism was the Inquisition (didn't expect that!)

But today Christians fall over their selves protecting all other beliefs in the IOM and UK while their's fades.


The UK had the opportunity to vote on joining the EEC but not on the rest of the world making a multicultural home there.

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If Mohammed appeared today on earth his photo would be on every front page and TV. Islam just seems to me stuck in the middle ages like Christianity was 500 years ago. Europe fought religous wars, deposed Kings and people were prepared to become martyrs for the Pope or Jesus. Fundementalism was the Inquisition (didn't expect that!)

But today Christians fall over their selves protecting all other beliefs in the IOM and UK while their's fades.


The UK had the opportunity to vote on joining the EEC but not on the rest of the world making a multicultural home there.


There are limits to free speech and if you say something you have to take responsibility for it. It's a crime to deny the holocause in many countries. Anti-semitic comments are also a crime in many countries. This is because of the history and what might happen if extremists like the Nazis, BNP or Daily Mail succeed in their battle. Islam is taken very seriously by its followers and not treated in the same way as Christianity. To put it simply, most muslims are not terrorists. Most muslims don't want to wage war on Christianity or the West. However, most muslims are very upset about the offensive cartoons.


And Hugh do you think the people of the countries that Britain colonised hundreds of years ago had any vote as to whether they were to be used, mis-treated and robbed by Britain? No they didn't. As former colonial masters Britain owes a debt to many countries which suffered as being part of the British Empire - Ireland, India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe and many others.

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"Eat Pork Or Die" [both English and Hebrew versions]


Different demographic, different connotations


For what it's worth -----


In extremis it is permitted for a Jewish person to eat treif (unclean food) including pork but the subsequent rigmarole to cleanse the body is horrendous.


The justification for this is Leviticus 18:5


“Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments; which if a man do, he shall live in them”


With the emphasis on ‘live’. The preservation of life is the overwhelming priority in Judaism hence if by sticking rigidly to the rules when in so doing puts your life in jeopardy it would be wrong and a far greater sin than, if you would otherwise starve to death, noshing on a bacon butty with or without HP sauce.

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After seeing the news, a lot of extremists are just looking for the next excuse to kick up a fuss. It's certainly not all Muslim people, some are just peacefully protesting - but torching buildings is plain wrong. Kinda reminds me of the Monty Python's Life of Brian, it would actually make a good sketch. " He's drawn a cartoon, kill him!!! "


These recent events bring home the strength (if you can call it that) of the human belief system. I wonder why Mohammed was so insistant about not being depicted.


Does anyone know how this is actually phrased in the scriptures?

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I wonder why Mohammed was so insistant about not being depicted.


Does anyone know how this is actually phrased in the scriptures?


As far as I know (which isn't very far on this subject) there's no mention in the Koran about him not being depicted.

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The prohibition of depicting any animate object be it plant, man, or sheep (and variations thereof) in islam is on the basis that every animate thing is the handwork of allah and is any man made copy is automatically a blasphemy.


This is a view taken mostly by the Sunni sect, the more traditional of the two main sects, as the Shi’Ite (note the capital I!) frequently have examples of art up to including pictorial representation of ‘ol mo.


Another reason commonly given is that to create a pictorial representation of ‘ol mo might cause a man to worship the representation somewhat as if it were an icon and it would thus become a graven image and so contradict the commandment not to make or worship any graven image.

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it's a total disgrace, simple as- millions died in WW2 to alllow freedom of speech- the protests are unwarranted and immediately leapt upon by extremists and now show the true face of what we're dealing with. They're also going to immediately spread the publication of these images and more of course due to naughty people on the net. Wonder how long the guy who wrote for the jordanian paper will survive, the one who dared to ask which was more harmful to islam- chopping some guy's head off on the internet or publishin the mo cartoons? Islamofacism is here now, make no mistake, it's just a different type of swastika- ironicaly I kinda think its days are numbered tho and the upsurge in violence is because the proponents are sensing electronic, interweb-stimulated democracy and this frightens them..

- also only 100 complaints about the violence incitement? you get the government you deserve- if people can't be bothered to even complain about something that serious then they probably deserve it. if scotland yard had 10 million phone calls or emails, then thta would send a better message that this will not be tolerated

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i have to say i am sitting on the fence on this one as what i think i would probably be hunted down and have my head put on a stick .


but aren't these people terroists, please someone tell if this is wrong but thats just the impression i have.


if so whats is the problem? dont they think the west has bigger fish to deal with than insulting these people?, but then again i thought the west does not negotiate with terroists? isnt that what they are doing by banning these cartoons?

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Pictures are discouraged to avoid the pitfalls of Christianity, Buddhism etc as they would detract from the words and the message of God.


In Hadith 7,838 (Al-Budhari Hadith) it says:


We were with Masruq at the home of Yasar bin Numair. Marruq saw pictures on his terrace and said, "I heard Abdullah saying that he heard the prophet saying, "The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be picture makers".


So be warned!!

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As with all religion, it really is an interpretation of what someone said/wrote many centuries ago which was, in turn, his interpretation of what his perceived god expected of humanity.


Anyway, I'm with Brian; "Blessed are the cheese makers".

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