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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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Although it can be argued that people belonging to the Jewish faith(s) have been absorbed into the prevailing culture, it should also be recognised that they contributed, to a considerable degree, in changing it - albeit over a long period of time.


I can think of a few things that challenged society in the past such as the freedom to trade on a Sunday providing that no trading was done on the Jewish Sabbath, the continence of the traditional method of slaughtering, the manner of dress maintained by the more extreme sects, but that’s about all.


Some of our traditions such as the High Holidays that we have do stand in isolation from the mainstream and some of our traditional fare also stands out but in fairness mostly because it’s more like middle European than anything else.


It’s also invariably mega-calorific but hey! The flavour’s in the calories!


As regards the Torah demands that I should smite my neighbour if he displeases me, I’ve seen far more smiting being done by the Goyim than by the ‘Fruma Yiddles’!


Continuing the same theme Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations, can’t see much evidence of that! Ever tried to get a Scotsman or a Welshman to work if he doesn’t want to!


Then there’s my daughter (Ssh! Don’t tell Clair! She doesn’t know!) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. Don’t see much of it going on or having taken place within the last n hudred years either!


Also I know I'm not allowed contact with a woman during her period of menstrual uncleanliness (messy, but safe!) - Lev.15: 19-24. Anyone really know if this is common practice or not?


If I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. The odour annoys the hell out of them. Should I smite them? And more to the point how long would I get away with it before the Council send round the health inspectors!


Many people work on Saturday. Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Can’t recall last time a Yiddish guy did this!


Most men get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. Again I can’t recall any killing taking place outside a barbers – even on a Saturday!


Farmers frequently go against Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, even wear cloth made of differing yarns and many swear like a trooper if the plough shear breaks, Again I can’t recall seeing a group of Sephardic zealots or even a bunch of Reform types like me setting about stoning them!


OK – I know it’s silly but hey! It’s a Jewish thing!


If a people can’t laugh at themselves then there’s little hope for them, even if the laughter is just joining in someone else’s joke made against them.

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A very intelligent reply, lonan3.


History shows that in almost every instance where Christianity has been established Islam has followed and taken its place. As missionaries travelled thought the world, the Muslims followed shortly after. Exceptions to this, from my understanding, are where established (formal) religions already existed (Hindi for example). Yet Islam has made inroads in those places as well.


If we accept that Islam is expanding throughout the world then we must accept it will eventually be in the majority in the UK. Does that frighten anyone here? Why?


If all this is so then multi-culturalism may be your only choice.


On another note; Multi-culturalism will take generations to work. We are the people, the generation that will have the hardest time with it. It will be more painful for those of us who are racist. Multi-culturalism is much more than many cultures existing side by side. It a slow but certain way of melding different cultures into a cohesive society, yet keeping the individual cultures in tact, but it takes maturity, tolerance and acceptance.


In Australia the Italians and WASPs had a hard time accepting each other during the 60’s and 70’s. Eventually it reached a stage where there’s harmony between the cultures. People no longer bat an eyelid when confronted with each other. The massive arrivals of refugees from Asia in the 80’s and 90’s proved difficult initially, and at the mid-point they seem to be accepted as part of the wider society. The most recent group, Lebanese, are going through exactly the same adjustments as the Italian’s did three decades before. You only need to see the so called race riots in Sydney in December as evidence. You might argue that Islam doesn’t suffer non-Islam faiths. I understand the majority do; it’s only extremists, racists, that do not. They are the problem.


Also, are the racial overtones I’ve read from other replies in this thread just as bad as the Muslims are made out to be? Is the UK just as intolerant of Islam as Islam is made out to be of Christianity?

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What with the drug-dealing protesting "suicide bomber" back in the nick to serve the remaining 2 years 9 months of his sentence and Abu "you want to watch that guy - he's meaner than he looks" Hamza headed the same way Fanatic Guilty it's turning into a pretty good day for secularism.

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History repeating its self don't you think




I can't understand what the problem is, it is just a cartoon, these people should read the beano and get a grip.

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It seems many throughout the world have a wish to die for Allah or for a cartoon!


And there are even more who through their words /actions are supportive of these sentiments.

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Sod it all guys, come and live in athiest land, theres none of this shit, just football hooligans, racial bigots, killers to save the animals, killers against abortion, drunken knobs and, oh sod it, your better where you are :(

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