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Should These Cartoons Be Banned?


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Pastry Targeted as the Cartoon Jihad Continues


Spiegel International


Now that Iran has cut commercial ties with cartoon producer Denmark, Iranian ideologues are marching into bakeries in an attack on the humble "Danish" pastry


"One Danish please!" Easy to say in any language and the resulting pastry is almost invariably pleasing. Say it in Iran these days though and you're likely to get a hostile stare. Danishes -- quite popular in the country -- have been stricken from menus and product lists across the country. Instead, should customers want a pastry formerly known as a Danish, they must order a "Gul-e-Muhammmadi" -- or "Rose of Muhammad."


Indeed one busy bakery in Tehran, once operating under the name "Danish Pastries," has resorted to covering up the offending half of its sign with a funereal black banner.




So far, there has been no word on what the Prophet himself would think of having a pastry named after him.


Is it only me, or is this whole affair getting more out of proportion every day? I am baffled as to why the people taking part in the current violent protests around the globe fail to see the incredible amount of damage they are causing towards the way their faith and religion is seen by others...

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Is it only me, or is this whole affair getting more out of proportion every day? I am baffled as to why the people taking part in the current violent protests around the globe fail to see the incredible amount of damage they are causing towards the way their faith and religion is seen by others...



I believe that what we are seeing is a ‘flexing of the muscles’ by the body islamic as a result of them now feeling that they have real influence and power in the world. I also see it being used to reinforce the unity of islam amongst the various mohammedan tribes – remember that the concept to many nations ruins counter to islam that recognises only two.


To me this is being used as a rallying cry and if Western governments don’t stand very firm on the principles of Western freedoms, and the freedom of speech is a very important one, then we will be one more step towards islamification.


There’s a very interesting article in the Telegraph that I think is well worth reading irrespective of peoples opinions on the paper and its politics –


Here’s the URL.




Some excerpts ---


"The cartoons, you see, have not been published in this country, and the Government has been very critical of those countries in which they were published.


To many of the Islamic clerics, that's a clear victory.


"It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call 'adverse consequences' - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in.”


"in a decade, you will see parts of English cities which are controlled by Muslim clerics and which follow, not the common law, but aspects of Muslim sharia law.

"It is already starting to happen - and unless the Government changes the way it treats the so-called leaders of the Islamic community, it will continue."


"The Government, and Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, are fundamentally deluded about the nature of Islam," He (Dr Sookhdeo) insists.


"Tony Blair unintentionally revealed his ignorance when he said, in an effort to conciliate Muslims, that he had 'read through the Koran twice' and that he kept it by his bedside.”


"He thought he was saying something which showed how seriously he took Islam. But most Muslims thought it was a joke, if not an insult. Because, of course, every Muslim knows that you cannot read the Koran through from cover to cover and understand it.”


So much for Blair and his understanding of the problem.

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Difficult to view with an open mind something that was clearly produced by minds that are very narrow cul-de-sacs.

I understand that the BNP are now reproducing the cartoons in one of their odious pamphlets in order to stir up trouble in places with high numbers of immigrants. Ultimately, it is the extremists on all sides who benefit from things like this, while the rest of us are caught in the middle ground.

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  • 1 year later...
the thing that gets me is that they're ( the cartoons ) not even funny, maybe that's why they're ( the muslim community ) so pissed off? :huh:


Just seems like it was asking for trouble/attention seeking!


The cartoons weren't that bad, but the one with the lit bomb as a turban was just stupid.

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It will be interesting to see if they are able to convict the people they've arrested on suspicion of planning to murder one of the cartoonists.


I think it will develop along the lines of the Rushdie affair. Every so often some one will die in a horrible way; the cartoonists will get security and support from "liberal" sections of the community, others will blame them for bringing it on themselves and complain about the cost of keeping them safe.


For me the idea that publishing a picture, even an offensive one - and in the grand scale of things these pictures are not that offensive - is an excuse for murder says alot about the mindset of the uber-religious. Dogmatic, violent, and insistent on everyone bowing down to their point of view. No way. I support the cartoonists. And it looks like the Danish press isn't going to back down either - the trouble is neither are the nutters. All in all it makes deaths more likely, but sorry the cartoonists aren't responsible for that, its the religious fanatics.


Moderate people of all faiths have got to accept that cultural insensitivity doesn't justify murder no matter what it says in some old book.

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"The Government, and Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, are fundamentally deluded about the nature of Islam," He (Dr Sookhdeo) insists.


"Tony Blair unintentionally revealed his ignorance when he said, in an effort to conciliate Muslims, that he had 'read through the Koran twice' and that he kept it by his bedside.”


"He thought he was saying something which showed how seriously he took Islam. But most Muslims thought it was a joke, if not an insult. Because, of course, every Muslim knows that you cannot read the Koran through from cover to cover and understand it.”


So much for Blair and his understanding of the problem.


I've read the Koran too. Perhaps I'm not appreciating it on every level, but it seemed pretty understandable to me: it's a bit like the bible, but shorter and with less begetting.

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While ignorance of the sensitivities of Muslim people may offer a cause (though no excuse) for the initial publication of these highly offensive pictures, now knowing that they ARE offensive and once more publishing even one of them is beyond disgusting and insulting behaviour.


The Prophet (sallallâhu ‘alayhi wasallam) conveyed the word that tells us what is right and what is not.


To doubly insult in this way, by depicting what has been depicted, and worse in the way that it depicts what is depicted is a base and gross insult to Islam and as such it is the duty of every Muslim to respond accordingly especially as the insult is now understood by the insulter.

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To doubly insult in this way, by depicting what has been depicted, and worse in the way that it depicts what is depicted is a base and gross insult to Islam and as such it is the duty of every Muslim to respond accordingly especially as the insult is now understood by the insulter.


Absolute b*llox ... they're only cartoons ... get over it.

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