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- i wrote to dreadzone a while ago to see where and when they were playing next - and i asked if they would ever come to a tiny festival in the isle of man - and guess what!!! they said they would - they're always up for going to new places... can anyone help me organise a festival - or get them to play at the villa? :)

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Don't get me wrong I wasn't being negative about it, any groups that can come over would be fantastic but what I meant was generally any group you ask if they'd play the Isle of Man would say yes because it makes no odds to them so long as they're paid, and it's nice for them to have somewhere different to play to.


Biggest problem is that what ever happens the promotor still has to pay the group for the gig, so therefore the promotor would need some kind of reassurance that they would get at least enough to cover the costs.

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Ah - i think they're pretty cool - they wouldn't want to get "paid" as such, so long as their fare and somehere to stay was sorted... and most importantly... as long as they knew that everyone had a brilliant time - i think they would be very happy. ;)

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Getting Dreadzone over here would be excellent.Saw them last year (for the first time in 9 years) at the Wickerman - still a stonking live band. The Villa would be good for them but not sure if you could sell enough tickets or how many you would have to sell to cover the costs of the venue, PA, lights, band transport/costs, etc.


You could try Lenny from Triskel (management@triskelpromo.com) for advice on putting them on at the Villa. Would be good there Friday night (paying gig) and then Chasfest for free on the Saturday (wishfull thinking!!). He would be good for advice on costs, etc.


On a smaller scale the guys at Ballagroove have brought bands over here so know what the costs would be for smaller venues (info@ballagroove.com).


Good luck mate, would be good to have such a decent band over here.

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You could try Lenny from Triskel (management@triskelpromo.com) for advice on putting them on at the Villa. Would be good there Friday night (paying gig) and then Chasfest for free on the Saturday (wishfull thinking!!). He would be good for advice on costs, etc.



Heyyyye- now THERE's an idea.... is that TO%£ts by any chance? ;)

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